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Post # 1
I was wondering if a truth spell would help someone be less gullible. I've talked to her time and again about researching suspicious news, but apparently she can't tell the difference between what news is suspicious and what news isn't.
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Re: Gullibility
Post # 2
Defining something that in its state is real or not especially about the news can be a very subjective topic. We all know that the media can be biased with the information they release. It is the same for the people! Whether or not they will say that what they read is real or not depends on what they know about it and more of what they choose to believe in.

There are people with half baked knowledge about things around them and what is really happening out there in the world and the best way to make them realize what is the truth, I will have to say that: They would have to see it with their own eyes to believe it. (And it is the same when the news is about the personality of an individual.)

As for the spell. I do not believe it works that way.
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Re: Gullibility
Post # 3
It's mostly for stuff that is obviously false, like the word Christmas being banned. The kind of stuff that is not subjective at all. She really believes this obviously false news. I've tried talking to her again and again, but it doesn't help. Thanks though!
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Re: Gullibility
Post # 4
Ah, the "Christmas" word being banned in some places, this has been news since 2014.

While December 25 is considered something to celebrate about as per religion for most countries. There are countries as well that do not have that kind of celebration because of their religion. [Like in the Middle East, Maldives, Thailand if I am not wrong also does not celebrate christmas] (You might feel the spirit among the people you pass by but the places has not much or no difference at all from an ordinary day) I guess it is out of respect for those people that do not celebrate the occasion that is why people are prevented to use the word in some areas or state, especially on the invitation cards that is being given to people in order to get the attention of the people to join in on the celebration. (Decorations though is a matter of opinion.)

There are places that celebrate christmas on January.

Whether or not the word is banned though, as much as it sounds fake, you can't really tell without getting information about it from someone you know in a state where the word is known to be banned.

This is just my opinion about it.
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Re: Gullibility
Post # 5
I live in the United States, and banning a word is a direct violation of our constitution, and therefore something that our president definitely did not do.
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Re: Gullibility
Post # 6
Well, people are trying to be politicaly correct and not say anything to offend other religions, people, special interest groups. Christmas is for Christians, Yule is for Pagans, Quanza is who know what. Sometimes it is just easier to say Seasons Greetings.
Frankly, I'm sick of it all.
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