Anxiety & Dissociation

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Anxiety & Dissociation
Post # 1

I'm currently having an episode right now, things look slightly weird, but not like how other people usually perceive things when they dissociate ( like everything looks cartoony or see weird shapes and filters ), but besides IBS and mental and physical and psychological routes,

Have you guys ever had these things, and believe them to be tied to magical? However still not saying mental health always means being possessed by an entity, but it's still interesting to entertain the possibilities and reflect on it.

tl;dr I'm having a bad fucking time and wondering if anyone felt like like this too, and implications based in the metaphysical?

Re: Anxiety & Dissociation
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Sometimes I believe that mental illness can be related to shamanic sickness, aperiod of illness that is provoked by either the Gods or the wights (or both) to draw a person to shamanism, and re-make them, so that they are capable of doing some work associated with this practice. Raven K wrote about it and refers to it as "The Path of Madness".

This can manifest in a large variety of ways. Sometimes it can be seen as the deadening of a person's interests and their spirituality, they lack the luster for life and become almost like "the walking dead", which is why in this practice they are sometimes called "Dead men walking". Sometimes it can be seen as suddenly "hearing voices" or otherwise pathwalking and projecting without understanding what is happening, hallucination or seeing visual images that don't make any sense. Schizophrenia, depression, bipolarity and other mental illnesses are sometimes carried by those who walk this path (again, stressing that just because you have a mental illness- does not mean you are being called to shamanism).

Northern tradition shamans tend to see this kind of sickness as the person being called to pathwalk and journey, if they have never done so before, and their mind trying to adjust to it.

Re: Anxiety & Dissociation
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
I derealize sometimes. It's not something I found spiritual, but I do find it "magical", in that awe-inspiring sort of way.

I do it a lot while driving home. There's this one bend that just doesn't feel real, like if I keep going I won't crash. I usually have to slow down, analyze it logically and realize there's really no other option than crashing if I don't make that turn, and then keep going.

Re: Anxiety & Dissociation
Post # 4

Thanks for that Isa! I always had a whisper that many things, like "awakening" sort of stuff would always happen around 18+ and so far, so many things spiritually and personality-wise and magical wise have happened. Before these recent years I felt like I was dead. Now I'm so interested in everything, and have made a lot of progress to go on my own path.

I'm sorry to hear that it happens when you drive, Oldnew. At least my episodes happen in my household most of the time so I can't possibly pose a danger to myself since I would be so distracted. Good thing to slow down though. Could be an 'in-between place' or 'vortex'? Slap a Linking Sigil in that place... something's up with it.

Re: Anxiety & Dissociation
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I read a book , Christian based ,that associated metal health issues with a sort of possession... Backed it with Bible verses and all........ I find my bi polar episodes will do that though,not sure if there attached to anything except my stresses....... Wouldn't be surprised though.......

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