TotM: Self-Work

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TotM: Self-Work
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

For September's Topic of the Month, we are going to discuss what Self-Work is. I purposely chose something that needs to be personally interpreted rather than something we can solely info dump on because we should be talking about what these topics mean to us, how we practice them, or what we're interested in learning about them. Info dumping is fine only so long as it's actually relevant to us and we talk about or point out to how.

Self-Work can be many things and already I can think of a few. What is it and what does it mean to you?

Re: TotM: Self-Work
Post # 2

The first thing that i though on self-work is:

Since a child, I always took a year at a time. I still do. Each year, the overall go is to become better. Better at anything, but mostly at behaving, but a mentally ill child with no mentor and little to no disclipline and anyone to really understand what was going on with me, I stuck it out. To explore what I am and why I am, and use it to my benefit.

And then laugh when people say I'm possessed.

Re: TotM: Self-Work
Post # 3
Self work...for me this means constantly looking for ways and opportunities to improve. Whether it be in my spiritual life, my dealings with others, my attitude towards things/people, etc, my care of the earth, and anything else that I feel I need to work on. This is a daily thing for me. I try to remember to check in with myself each morning and see how I am feeling and think about what I need to work on for that day. Great example...Today I woke up a bit on the grumpy side so I know I need to work on my attitude!

Re: TotM: Self-Work
Post # 4

I think of pampering oneself, having a little spa day. One could make it magical if they know how to work with beauty products.

Re: TotM: Self-Work
Post # 5

For me, self work is doing things that help me. Both physically and mentally. Like losing weight. I have some free weights to tone my arms. I have a treadmil down stairs in a little gym in my complex. I have been going for walks at night more often. Forming better eating habits. Saying no to cheese on my omlet in the morning. Cutting back on soda and upping my water and tea intake. Veggie tray or grapes instead of chips or chocolate for snacks. I've also started trying to get back into make up. So I have been watching more make up tutorials and cooking videos. I have been doing my beauty regiments more often or at least trying to. Painting my nails, applying lotion to my hands. Aloe vera after washing my face. It is also benefical to channel my energy, time, and effort into my practice. Prayers, offerings, cleaning down my altar. Reading books, spellwork. I have also been trying to get back into singing. I never felt pretty, smart, or good at anything. That needs to change. I cannot expect anyone else to care or do that for me. This is something I need to be strong enough to do myself. At the end of the day, I am all I have.

Re: TotM: Self-Work
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Oh cool topic. There's so many types of self work, I think it starts with what you need. If you need a self esteem boost,which who doesn't self esteem tricky, then you work on that. You want to think it to be it,so I'll positive self talk in the mirror. It works just gotta stick with it. There's spiritual self work. I can't get enough of that kind,which is good because I've got a little boy and teaching him to have good spirituality is important. Having that piece of mind can help him a lot in life and his heart and it'll make him a good man. I'm bi polar and suffer depression and anxiety so I feel Im always working on "self", I've got to keep good energy and recognize the bad, and ride through it. The more I work at it the easier it is to recognize and ride out... Oh taking care of your physical self's important self work, and during it all practice your energy work ...

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