waking up at 3am?

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waking up at 3am?
Post # 1
What does waking up at 3am truly mean?
because ive been waking up at that time every night for the last couple of weeks . its getting annoying.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
Post # 2
3 o'clock am is the time for the dead start to wonder around,
just put a glass of water under your bed and you will be okay..
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Re: waking up at 3am?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
My family always said that between 3am and 6am was when the veil was thinnest between the worlds. The explaination was that it is when most are asleep therefore the physical energy given off by people is at its lowest point within the whole day. Another explaination I've heard is that it is when the moon begins to "set" (therefore a low point in the energy of the sun/moon as well). The shifts between morning/night and night/morning effect the veil. Twilight is a highly magickal time.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
Post # 4
When the moon sets actually varies depending on the moon's phase. The new moon rises and sets more or less when the sun does, first quarter rises mid-day and sets mid-night, etc. I've also heard of that being a magically charged time, though. I've also heard that 3 AM may be of magical importance because it is often the darkest time of night, but I honestly do not know if this is true.

In this case you may be waking up for supernatural reasons, or you might just be reverting to an older human sleep pattern; http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/19/opinion/19ekirch.html?_r=3

Until fairly recently in human development we naturally slept in two segments each night with a period of waking in between. People will sometimes revert to this sleep cycle and think something is amiss because we have this notion that one should remain unconscious the entire night. It can be inconvenient for those with work or school in the morning, but it's nothing unhealthy or out of the ordinary. Just find something low-energy to do for a while like read or listen to music and you should feel tired again in around an hour.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I just replied to this but i pressed 'start new thread' by mistake!! so now it's a post of its own! sorry! (im new...lol)
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Re: waking up at 3am?
Post # 6
I'v heard the veil is thinnest around 3am and spirits have always seem strongest then. Also i'v seen other people's conjured spirits (they're way better than me at magic) move things but it has usually been around this time. I don't really know the answere to your question but maybe something is trying to tell you something because spirits sometimes communicate through dreams. Or maybe a spell that usually isn't powerfull enough to wake you up usually becombes more powerful at 3am and wakes you up. I don't really know these are just ideas you might want to check out.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
i've been taught 3 is the witching hour when the veil is thin. historically, in medevil times 3 was really midnight. [can't remember the exact times though] but the day was broken into 12, 3, 6, and 9. forget what each was called though.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
Post # 8
3am or 3pm is what they call the devil's hour (witching hours. It plays a big part in necromancy and witchery. On that time, Christ was said to die. After death, souls began to wander around in the world of living. Demons are most powerful in this hours so be careful.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Astral Projection.
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Re: waking up at 3am?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Perhaps you are just experiencing what is the natural sleep pattern for a human being?




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