Discussion: Land Spirits

CovenNatural Magick ► Discussion: Land Spirits
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Discussion: Land Spirits
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 1

Many different sets of beliefs honor or at least acknowledge various types of land spirits. These spirits, often, are portrayed as being entities which inhabit the world around us: a rock, a stream, a tree (or on a larger scale, a continent).

Do you, within your own path, believe in land spirits? If so, how would you go about incorporating them into your work and magical affairs? What are ways in which we could come to know or be familiar with the spirits of the land we live around?

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

For starters, I definitely believe in the concept of land spirits. To me, they are known as the landvaettir (or land wights-- amoung other types). I believe there is a spirit in the trees, the rocks, the very ground I stand on and it is important to me in my path to show reverence for them. I have a great love and respect for nature, and all the spirits associated with it.

I get to know the spirits, or at least to invite them to work with me, simply by spending time in nature. I don't nessesarily mean going out and meditating in the yard (though I do that as well). I mean, I actively engage and explore, touch the bark of the trees and run my hands through the stream. I take from nature (either for the purpose of making crafts, making altars, etc) but I always make sure to give something back.

I am fond of making spirit houses in nature out of whatever I find around me (often twigs, moss, leaves and dirt). I build small spirit houses in which I place offerings of drink, food, things I have collected. I enjoy the act of giving back to nature and therefore I consider what I do as an academic pursuit/career to be the ultimate offering: I work in conservation to preserve and maintain the world around me.

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 3
When I lived in the country, I'd go for long walks around the woods, fields, and marshes to connect with and get a feel for the land. I would collect stuff that I found on my walks and create outdoor altars to leave offerings at for spirits and deities.

I haven't really worked with the land spirits around my new place, since it's so much more industrialized than what I'm used to. Luckily, my city is still somewhat green and the nearby university has a well staffed landscaping team that stocks the place with all sorts of plants and things. I'd really like to scope out some of the parks once I have the time and get to know the more natural parts of the city better.

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
Post # 4
I work with them by doing yard work around my home. Planting flowers, raking up the leaves, removing the dead fall, trimming up the trees and bushes that I can. I also keep a patch of 'wild space' in the yard. It is an area that I seldom work in (it does not get mowed) so that the spirits have a more natural section to reside in. I make offerings at times (not often enough I think) seeds for birds, a good watering when it has been hot and dry, a bird bath, nuts for the other creatures.

I also talk to the spirits in my yard frequently.

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 5

I also hold the view of spirits of plants, trees, rocks, etc. all in nature. The nymphs to me are Goddesses which nourish nature. Satyrs are male nature spirits as well, they frollick in it playing music.

I feel when I dispose of offerings, the land spirits receive them. When I pour out the old water or libation, I give it to the plants. I then refill it for the theoi, and then give the old to the plants. Sort of cyclical because the the plant's creations, the flowers for instance, one day will be given to the theoi as an offering. Odd way of looking at it.

I also work with plant spirits in root work. I talk to the spirit of the plant, mineral, or animal, telling them, more asking them, to aid in this task with me.

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 6

Do you, within your own path, believe in land spirits?


If so, how would you go about incorporating them into your work and magical affairs?

By helping clean and maintain the natural world around you, you can huild a relationship with them. You can work with them to get work done and it's intended to be mutually beneficial.

What are ways in which we could come to know or be familiar with the spirits of the land we live around?

Whoops, answered this in the above!

Re: Discussion: Land Spirits
Post # 7
I believe in land spirts. Mostly tree spirits. I am a tree hugger for one thing but whenever I am near a tree I believe I can read the story behind each one. I like to sit in a tree because it makes me feel connected to the trees. I give and take energy from the trees for spells and rituals. I always help any tree I see that needs help.

I make my wands from cottonwood tree and I always thank the tree for what it gives me. I use wood, rocks, and water in most of my rituals that I do outside. Us humans are blessed in the world we live in. I love nature and I will do anything to be one with nature.

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