Plant integrated Magic?

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Plant integrated Magic?
Post # 1

Recently I always wondered at the mortar and pestle, but it's quite ignored and unmentioned and neglected in many books and "basics" discussions. Sure, there's the athame and pentacle, but what about plant spirits and the path of roses and thorns?

I'm getting into reading Raven Grimassi's Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded WItch, and it reminded me about the mortar and pestle, and he's right when he says there is not much mention of it while doing magic.

Do any of you guys have strong interest in botany, herbalism, and plant spirits? Or even gardening? (I don't know many details about this) And what kinds of paths are there available to more of the natural witch?

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I personally do not focus much on the medicinal properties of herbs and roots, besides small things like Chamomile or Green Tea (which I actually more use for their supposed good qualities, it doesn't matter spiritually if they have those things physically). I mostly work within the realm of spiritual correspondences. I have a PDR for Herbalism, but I never look at it.
I want to start building a garden when I have the room. :V
What do you mean by paths? Ideas behind how rootwork works? Or do you mean working with the plants?

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
Post # 3

I like to pick herbs to use in teas although I'm no great herbalist. Most of the herbs I use are for their magical properties rather than their medicinal ones.

On the topic of nature, when I first started I would actually burry my feet in the forest to do spells. Although after a close encounter of a worm kind I gave that up.

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
Post # 4

Just paths as in spiritual practices and traditions is all, for Voo.

And I get that Dillon, it's really unfortunate that the original Celtic Druids didn't really keep much record of their practices and so on. It's all mostly speculation and like you said...

LOL Tom cat, same. As a child I used to sleep on the grass during midday when the dogs also used to just lay down on a cool patch of grass but when I'd wake up, worms would be at my fingers and toes, probabaly wondering what was there and if it was dead or not.

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

This has been an area I've been slowly dipping my toe into the past year. I work with the landvaettir so I work with plant spirits on occassion but have yet to get very indepth with it. I've been slowly trying to learn about different types of plants and their associations. In the future, when I move out of the current place I am in, I intend to start gardening and attempting to grow my own herbs for the workings I need them for. I'm very interested in plant spirits in general, especially for a few specific plants, but I need to spend more time working in that area. I feel plant spirits are different in some ways and harder for me to connect to than other kinds of wights.

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Ive got a morter and pestle and ive used it w lavender,rose mary and sage...I like mine and try to use it..I used to be able to garden more but not the last few springs..End of the summer nay be... I like herbs and plants....

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Oh and as far as plant spirits or land weights Im not on a "personal" basis with any however I try to be mindful of nature. I pick up trash I see, kinda teaching the kid too.. We like trees and leafs so we thank trees for letting us play w them... My son just loves plants and outside...

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I used to work a lot with plant spirits - mostly trees. It's something that I might get back into now that I'm starting to get into the swing of balancing work and life. Other than that, I use herbs in most of my spells and workings because they're usually pretty easy to get the hang of.

Re: Plant integrated Magic?
Post # 9
I love to use many herbs to make exotic or healing teas. Herbs have many medical aspects that are very useful. Herbs also have spiritual meanings.

I am a tree hugger basically. What's very unique is that I can hear tree spirits and sense them.

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