Different interest

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Different interest
Post # 1
I'm of my age and I would be interested in someone casting a spell over me. Or if someone could teach me how to cast a spell over someone I have in mind, so that I'm targeted by this person. It is a more dark and lustful spell. On that note, I also wanted to know if there are any spells for the emotional parts of a being? Is there anyway to weaken my emotions? I am absolutely a beginner and I do ask for help.

Vixian aka: Cora
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Re: Different interest
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I see nothing wrong handing a loaded gun to a child.

What exactly do you want?

You can cast over another and you can influence them, but how much and how long depends on several factors [a love spell works better if they have some romantic feelings for you] you can focus emotions onto another, it's needed in spell casting, when you want someone to like you, you focus on your loving emotions, you curse someone by focusing your rage. to cast over another you need to personalize it [photo, full name, objects that belong to them. Hair, blood, nails also work] also, when you cast you need to visualize the person.

You cannot control your emotions with a spell however, but you can in other ways. Meditation, journaling, mindfulness are a few things you can practice daily [therapy if it's a deeper problem] there's also affirmations and various websites to be motivational/inspirational designed to help you.

Of course before casting any spells you need to understand how/why they work as well as 'the basics' of magick to help you [go to the main site forums General Information section, there's pinned articles that can help you]
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Re: Different interest
Post # 3
Thank you. I can understand what you mean, and thank you for helping redirect and inform. it is highly appreciated darling.
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