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Post # 1
if any one can tell me what this symbol means it would be much appreciated. unfortunaley i was un able to put its picture on the site i can describe it well. its a circle with a cross through it. like a crosshair but the cross is longer.
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Re: HELP!!!
Post # 2
It sounds kinda like some kind of sun cross, but I'm not sure.
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Re: HELP!!!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
It sounds like the symbol that represents the year. (either the wheel or the zodiac)

You can find them on old churches or in old religious paintings.
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Re: HELP!!!
Post # 4
If it is a cross, then it is probably religious. If it is Christian symbol, then it is probably a halo for the circle and then the cross for the cross.
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Re: HELP!!!
Post # 5
It is a lesser version of a symbol that originated from the area of Norway. The full symbol is said to be one of the oldest religion
symbols known to man, But who knows what it has been adapted to over the years?
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