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Post # 1
So a friend of mine needs to have a religious experience that he's never had as a project for school and since he knows that I'm Wiccan has asked me to help him have a wiccan experience and I don't know what I should do.... please help me. I want it to be college appropriate. And something that he'll get an A on when he writes a report about it.
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Re: Help
Post # 2
Invite him to attend one of your sabbats or esbats?
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Re: Help
By: / Novice
Post # 3
what class is he taking?

i suggest a circle. if you belong to a coven, or know of a local coven who welcomes observers try taking him to it. larger groups typically produce more energy so he should feel something. i remember having an atheist friend in the circle once, be sure to ask your friend to be respectful. my friend talked and made jokes through most of the circle until the south/fire candle burned out [very common in my coven the person who likes leading the circle casting has a strong connection to the fire element] we always use the largest candle for the south marker and it burned down well before any of the other candles, and my friend was freaking out over it while we were like 'yea thats fine, could you pass us another candle before the wax hits the rug?'

if he's not going to be respectful, you could try a guided meditation or maybe take him to a class or local occult shop instead.
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