I'm just wondering...

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Re: I'm just wondering...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 21
Okay, I apologise. Salt can be made in a laboratory.Nevertheless, the salt on your table comes from the sea.
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Re: I'm just wondering...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
Let me say, that I feel rather humble now, about salt.But it shows that at 83 I am not too old to learn! I watched the experiment, and got other information, and now I know that salt can be made in a Science Lab; but certainly not on an industrial scale! The heat would be enormous!
So,let me explain to the young.
It is 70 years since I was in a school Science Lab.We would not have been allowed to conduct such a dangerous experiment.
It is difficult to explain to the young, what school days were like when I was young. There were no computers. No television. No smart phones. Very few radios. No microscopes at my school!
We were not even allowed to use a ball-point pen!
No space travel. No digital watches.No calculators.
Hard to imagine that now,isn't it?
The young these days are so very,very lucky!
The old can still teach some things to the young; but there is no doubt; the young can teach the old!
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