Natural Magick!

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Natural Magick!
Post # 1
The world in which we live is a vast expanse of beauty and destruction. A balance of life and death, of change and static being. We are born into this world with nothing but our feeble cries and reliance on our parents for every need that we have. As we grow we begin to establish our own identity and we start to choose our own path to walk through this world. We see the things that we are and we accept them or we vow to change them and make them better. We build and we tare down, we dance through emotional struggles and we crawl through good times without cares. Then we meet death that old advasary always lurking in the shadows. Some go willingly full of life and ready for rest and some go without warning never having a chance to do the things they wanted too. But no matter what the natural world remains the same around you.

The earth has seen civilizations rise and fall, its watched births, and deaths for centuries. In times of war it remains peaceful and still, and in times of peace it rises up and changes as it sees fit. It has beauty in many forms. Its meticulous in keeping itself reusing and rebuilding year after year. So different from our lives that we live and the difference can be clearly seen and distinguished.

Therefore it is my belief that there are two aspects of our world The stillness and the chaos of everyday life. Yin and Yang. Air and Earth. We live in the chaos of life it is natural too us its what we are used too. But underneath is the peace of the Earth. The stillness of nature. It is our natural state of being yet we have stepped away from it in life.

So learning magick is as simple as stepping back. Back into the natural flow of being. And when we step back we reconnect with who we truly are. It can be scary because it is unknown to us. All will be tested because its hard to change sometimes but change is necessary. And when we reconnect it is like opening a door and turning on a light. We might rediscover our entire state of being. This is natural magick. This is true power.

Re: Natural Magick!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

I think this is a great post, and a fantastic way of sparking discussion here. For those interested in participating, perhaps we can come together to answer this question: What is natural magick, in your opinion? How would one define it?

The Earth is an abundant source of energy and spirituality for those who stop to listen to it. Constantly, it spins around the sun and goes through repeated cycles (life and death, for instance). As you mentioned above, chaos and stillness. It, as with the other planets, combine to form the overarching system of our particular galaxy in this vast universe we live in. When you stop to think about it, you and I are specks: small alone but part of an overall larger and intricate system. Everything within this system is seemingly interconnected, from the tiniest of microbes and energy pulses to supergiant stars. This is something I've learned as I've studied the environment for my career as well. When you think about it, it is kind of mind boggling. Magic, to me, is a part of this system and flows through it as well.

When it comes to practices associated with natural magic, I tend to think ofherbs, stones, incenses, oils and the like. Learning to rekindle an association with the world around us, connecting to various aspects of nature (plants, animals, the energies that are already present, etc) and connecting to spirits associated with nature. I think an important part of learning to connect to nature is to learn to appreciate it in all forms and find balance. Within my practice, I honor the chaos as much as I do the stillness. I work with entities who are primal elemental forces because the role they perform is no less important than any other. To me, the destruction of a hurricane and savagry of a blazing fire is just as important as the other, calmer parts of the natural cycle.

Re: Natural Magick!
Post # 3
Well put! It is a giant clock work! And every single piece is as important as the rest! Death is just as important as life, chaos as important as still. Now let me ask this. If the above is true how is it not the same with us as people. How can one person not be as important too the world as the rest. You are just as special as I! There is no room for lesser beings because we all are an important part of the grand scheme. And therefore natural magick has just taught us our first lesson! Poor people your just as important as the rich! Those who are bullied your just as important as those who bully you!

I think magick is just as evident in our emotions and lives as it is in herbs and nature. It's just about gaining the right mindset. Exploring yourself. Being what you want to be.

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