The Coffee Shop

CovenNatural Magick ► The Coffee Shop
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Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 221

Lately, stress has consumed my every thought and physical movement. From neck pains to irregular heartbeats, anxiety and panic attacks. Anything and almost everything gets me freaking out. I'm not sure what is causing this, but I'm just drained. I'm exhausted.

And, it's strange. Not even going into detail, and just being able to let you guys know how I've been feeling feels good. I like this little coffee shop thing. :)

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 222

Well I finally got around to giving myself a manicure. I did light pink rose nail polish with some nice light blue splashed over it. My wifey said she would paint my toe nails and give me a foot rub this evening. I think for the toes doing blue with pink splashes that are slightly different shades would look really cool.

I also cut my hair myself. It's not perfect being that it was not done professionally but it actually looks pretty good and I am happy with it. I really just wanted it cut short so it wouldn't annoy me so much. I am able to put it up into two cute little pigtails easily. I got it nice and even. All the black dye has come out so I can dye it anytime I want since I have a few boxes laying around ready to be used. I think I will go with red first.

I have been working on the Natural Magick youtube page. I have added the profile picture, background picture, some details about us. I have also made like three meditation music playlists. A celtic, a gothic, and a more general one. I used many of my favorite compsers for it such as Adrian Von Zieglar, Brumville, Derek & Brian Fletcher, Nox Arcana, and so on. I will be adding documentaries on different metaphysical subjects as well here in a bit. They have some nice ones I have seen on spellwork, Hellenic deities, etc.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 223

So, voting day in America today...I'm so apathetic. I hate both candidates, and I'm sick of millionairs promising to fix whats wrong and do nothing. Aside from that, I start my new job tomorrow!

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 224
just finishing my morning stuff before going to work gonna be on days off tomorrow and thursday yay ! days off finally coinsiding with pay day makes it kinda convenient gonna see a trans counceler on thursday and hopefully get an acutal plan for action needing to be taken moving forword. and hopefully move me up for hormone treatment a little quicker either way I have an appointment after the new year with a doctor that can help with that as well but if I can get on hormones quicker I'm gonna try. and my camera is still in hawk so I guess I gotta get that out hopefully tomorrow or thursday as well what ever happens I know the mother and father will take care of me they haven't steered me wrong yet just gotta put one foot in front of the other. have a great day everyone and blessed be!

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 225
I just talked to my best friend for the first time in months. There were tears

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 226

Are you ever anxious about something and then you forget, and you're like,"What was I anxious about again?"

Then you remember and you're like


Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 227

So my spouse has brought me home flowers three days in a row. First cut red roses with yellow sunflowers. Then a red chrysanthemum plant, then a red poinsentta plant. I've been eating better sticking to a mostly veggie, water, fruit diet. As a result of which I was told I lost weight. I don't exactly have a scale to measure my progress but hopefully I can get one for Christmas.

I've almost finished all three seasons of Dragon Tales, I've killed off all of the Care Bears and My Little Pony stuff they have on Netflix. I saw they added a new Winx Club that is a Netflix original, I added it to my que. I need to hook up my laptop to my tv and finish Inuyasha and Bleach. I'm such a Sesshomaru fangirl! I finished Durarara and Durarara x2, those were really good and so worth a watch.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 228
Hello all! I'm new here, so this is my first post. Just sitting down to some black currant tea I got at the Renaissance Festival this year, brings back such happy memories. I have been really anxious lately, I have been job hunting for 6 months and I need a job by the end of the year. I'm so close to getting one, but I'm worried that it will slip away from me (it has happened several times before). However, not having a full time job has allowed to really work on my spirituality so I'm grateful for that (:

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 229

*sips a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream*

Things have been a bit relaxed lately and it feels nice. I finished my last semester of classes and maintained a 4.0. It's always been my dream to graduate from graduate school with perfect grades and I can't believe I will have accomplished that. On the other hand, I have to get a rough draft of my whole thesis done by the end of February and I don't know how I'm going to get that done. I don't feel ready to finish my results and write my discussion yet. Can't believe I will be presenting my thesis at a defense this semester.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 230

I'm back online after a small hiatus. I've been battling a nasty case of laryngitus (sp?), and I finally have my health and voice back lol. The cough is still lingering though :p

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