seeing with eye closed

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seeing with eye closed
Post # 1
Since last year i have been seeing something when i close my eyes.first i thought it was just a normal matter of eyes.i ignored it.It was always same.
but last month when i was meditating when i felt i was seeing something i tried to see with my eye closed and then i was able to see everything.i felt surprised.agan in the next morning i tried to see with my eye closed and again i could see everything.but i could see the outlines .then as i kept trying the vision was also increasing.what is this.
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Re: seeing with eye closed
Post # 2
It sounds like a combination of things. Your other senses have a limited way of seeing your environment (ears hear sound vibrations from objects and touch can feel air dispalcement). You may have some projection abilities starting to wake up.
Have some fun with it a little. Try visualizing another place in the house you would like to be standing, and try to focus on the little details or objects in that room.
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Re: seeing with eye close
Post # 3
I see.

well slowly i am going to master this ability.

also i should have included earlier last night when i was practicing i saw i girl shaped thing passed in front of any chance was it a spirit?
can this vision show me the things i cant see physically?
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Re: seeing with eye closed
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
It is normal "visualizing". One of the Basics of magic.
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Re: seeing with eye closed
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
Unless you are moving your perception to view in or beyond your immediate sight you are merely visualizing from memory which is great because it means you have mastered a basic teqnique of magic but if you can move your perception to view in and around and see what was not in your general line of sight you will be well on your way to etheric/astral travel because you are separating your consciousness to view these things which your memory has no knowledge of .
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