vodoo spell clarification

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vodoo spell clarification
Post # 1
I want a clarification.If a vodoo spell( not a death spell) is made on someone, and the target could block that, what does the negative spirit do. Since it cannot stick to the person's subtle body, will it harm the family members in the house of target or will it revert back and attack the person launched it.

This is the background. I had been a victim of black magic. It was done to cause decline in my business and professional life. This I discovered after several years of struggle in my business life. A spiritually advanced person tied a talisman and now I don't see the influence of spirit. I have a worry if it will affect my son or wife now.

- vkv
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Re: vodoo spell clarification
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It depends on the spell. Voodoo or anything else the energy is the same. Someone charged enough negative energy and sent it your way. There are a few things you could of done, one is send it back to them, another is cleanse the energy, but the charm given keeps the energy away from you and it will loose it's power. It shouldn't effect your loved ones unless they too were cast over. If you give them a protection charm or hang one in your home/work the energy shouldn't be able to reach them. Cleanse, protect, and try to forget the spell. Doubt will leave an opening for negative energy to creep back in.
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