Casting a circle

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Casting a circle
Post # 1
Do I have to cast a circle before preforming any spell and how do I do that?
I read about casting a circle but now I'm just confused what to do with that.
Blessed be! :)
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Re: Casting a circle
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You don't have to but you should. Casting a circle creates a sacred space and puts up a protective barrier, but not everyone casts circles when doing spells [kitchen magick for example]

How to cast a circle varies so find one that works for you. The basic is to focus energy [use a wand, athame or your finger] and visualize/feel the energy traveling from you and creating a barrier. Walk in a clockwise circle while visualizing and you're done. [Walk counterclockwise while visualizing/feeling the energy leaving to open the circle] many people call to the 4 elements [east is air, south is fire, west is water, north is earth] but people can also call to dragons, angels, faeries, and a number of other beings depending on their belief. You can also start at any directing depending on belief [I start in the east where the sun rises but I know many who begin in the north with earth. Honestly doesn't matter] research some circle castings and try a couple.
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