Newbe here

CovenSpell Casters ► Newbe here
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Newbe here
Post # 1
Hi, I'm new here and I don't know what to do. I've read some spells but I would like to know if you are able to learn magic and stuff. Also, how do you post spells?
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Re: Newbe here
By: / Novice
Post # 2
if you don't know magick please don't post spells, we have enough trouble with non working spells around the site as it is [fun feature of the site, they can only be deleted by the admin]

well, you could start by reading the newbies faq so you know some basics of the site. if you wish to learn about magick theres a bunch of articles and forum threads that can help you. you are able to learn magick, but real magick is nothing like you've seen in movies and tv, you cannot shapeshift, turn invisible, fly, grow wings, teleport or whatever else. also, when you cast there isn't any clouds of smoke [unless we're using incense] or sparks and explosions. real magick [as in the spell casting kind] is subtle, slowly building, it's a part of nature and cannot contradict nature.

there are many different religions who cast spells, or study magick, but you don't need to be part of a religion to cast spells. if you choose to join a religion, do so for reasons beyond 'i can cast spells'.
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Re: Newbe here
Post # 3

Like Neko said, if you are new don't just start your journey by adding spells that you don't even know will work. You should start by reading sections to help you get to know this site, then start reading the basics of magic(k). There are two well recommended Forum posts that will help start your learning in magic(k); AwakTooLong's "The Basics: Expanded" and Starries "Starting Out", both located in the General Info section of the Forums. You can also check through the Articles, just remember like the Spells section of the site, the Article section isn't all reliable, like most information on the internet. So keep that in mind when searching up stuff on the internet.

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