An odd thing

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An odd thing
Post # 1
Hi there. So at night I'll be lating facing my wall, and if I open my eyes after them being closed for awhile, I almost always see eyes in the darkness on the wall. They are pretty much never the same ones, and I was just wondering if anyone knew what could cause this? It does not scare me or anything, but I just want to know what it is. If anyone could share insight it would be much appreciated. Thank you!
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Re: An odd thing
By: / Novice
Post # 2
first i would have your eyes examined just to make sure there's nothing medically wrong with your eyes. its just safe/wise to rule out logical answers before turning to divine/spiritual answers.

when you close your eyes and meditate, many [if not all] people will see colours and shapes. if you squeeze your eyes shut, or open the quickly in the darkness, you might still see these shapes because your eyes are adjusting to the light [however little] in the room. as a kid i use to do this for fun.

it could be you are seeing spirits or astral creatures, but there should be other signs to this. next time this happens, try observing the situation with all your senses. say hello, and ask if someone's there, then listen. you might hear a yes, you might have a feeling, or something else might happen. ask if there is something, ask them to tap your hand. this isn't a guaranteed yes or no because of house the human mind works, but you should keep an open mind and observe the world around you. if you feel as though you are being watched, hear noises, feel cold randomly, and various other little thing could help determine if it is spiritual. like i said however, rule out anything scientific before turning to magickal.
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