
CovenSpell Casters ► spells
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Post # 1
I have been on this site for a while now and i have tried some spells but they seemingly do nothing i am using a spell to grow black wings and the symptoms on the page are affecting me but i don't know if the spell is can anyone help me?
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Re: spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
The spell that you casted isn't real, it's pure fantasy. Magic can't make physical changes to you, or change your DNA.
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Re: spells
By: / Novice
Post # 3
magick isn't like in the movies, its a natural energy that only effects energy and only within the confines of nature. humans do not have wings by nature, so no spell will give you physical wings.

these are non-working spells added by people who don't understand how real magick works. the reason they are still here is because only the site administrator can delete them. these spells are categorized usually in fantasy or trick to give you a clue that they do not work.

thirdly, the effects are psychosomatic and the result of the placebo effect. the mind is powerful, if it is convinced of something your body will begin to show symptoms. [see false pregnancy for an example] so what you are feeling is not the result of the spell but your mind convincing your body of something that is not happening.
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