Dumb question

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Dumb question
Post # 1
I've done a few love spells and a few break up couple spells on my ex who I want back more then anything in the world. I also am doing a honey jar that I put a proposal, as well as a picture of the two of with our names on the back in red ink and a circle. The honey jar has sugar, cinnamon, coffee, Kosher salt, and sage it in it. I mean he claims there's no chance of a relationship between us again and I believe that's how he feels now. I truly believe he still has feelings for me. He's also been avoiding me though his claim is he's afraid of leading me on but I personally don't think that should be a problem if he truly wants to be friends. Now I've been paying attention to his Facebook and he's been pretty back and forth about how he's unhappy then next goes lovey dovey on the guy he left me for and I was wondering what is up with that?
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Re: Dumb question
Post # 2

We are not relationship counselors, I'm sorry that he isn't falling for you again, but, if magick isn't helping, or you are expecting things to early (remember, magick doesn't run on your time, it runs on its own time), you should move on, it's not healthy to dwell on past relationships in a obssesive way. If it's meant to be it will happen, but if it is not, magick can't change fate.

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Re: Dumb question
By: / Novice
Post # 3
if i come across as hurtful, i'm sorry, but i'm going to be blunt with you.

if he says he doesn't have feelings for you, he probably doesn't have feelings for you. he probably cares for you [hence the friendship] but he harbours no romantic feelings for you. if he does, he probably isn't playing hard to get but has realized you don't work together and is doing whats best for both of you. distancing himself from you is most likely an attempt to help you [and himself] move on. [the heartache will be longer if you see each other regularly.] the flip flopping emotions is a normal thing after a break up, you remember the good times, and you feel bad, you remember the bad times and feel correct with breaking up. if he has told you to leave him alone, as painful as it is, if you really love him, you will respect his wishes.

regarding your honey jar, where did you get the spell? the items you used are odd. salt, coffee, and sage are used for cleansings and protections [burning coffee beans is said to clear away nightmares] sugar i'm guessing you substituted for honey since it does the same thing in the spell, but the cinnamon is the only item i see with love qualities. did you research the items at all before casting? it's good to understand why each item is used.

if you two are meant to be, you will return to each other one day. i suggest you stop pursuing him, and work on healing yourself and finding your own inner peace. if you broke up recently [less than a month] then this is understandable, but at some point you need to stop and gaze inside yourself. to quote General Iroh [avatar] 'It's time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do you want?'
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