Need several spells cast

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Need several spells cast
Post # 1
I am suffering financially. I have a woman that trapped me with a child. Several years ago I lost my good paying job and tried to commit suicide. I was on drugs and turned to a person that was stalking me for years because they only wanted to be with me. Wrong mistake. She already had 7 kids. She told me she wanted to be with me and I said no i don't like her like that anymore. I got drunk and was depressed slept with her. She took the condom I threw in trash and pored it inside her she admitted. Years later she has a kid and is raping me for support. The court system of course will not charge her for a criminal act because they are like you slept with her. She is collecting money on welfare and raping me. I have was going to school for IT but loan ran out because my Father was fighting cancer and I wanted to take care of him. He passed and I lost out on school. I haven't been able to keep a stable job because contracts run out. I have bills up to my neck. Credit was destroyed by my crazy ex who trapped me. So I need a financial breakthrough. I need a job spell and lucky money spell. I need a binding protection spell from my ex who wishes to continue destroying me. I have been dealing with a lady who has been doing spells for me but some work small here and there but not much. I need a breakthrough right now. I am tired of waking up depressed. I know spells work because it happened for me in the past. This time I need a permanent money spell. Help!!

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Re: Need several spells cast
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

im sure if you look through the spells here you will find money spells or something that fits what you're looking for?

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Re: Need several spells cast
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Wrong mistake? Doesn't that technically make it correct?

So either this was a typo or you don't know how long pregnancy is, if you slept with her once and she came by 'years later' with a child, it's not yours. At most pregnancy lasts 10 months, if she handed you a newborn 2 years later, she's lying. Get a DNA test. [Also I hope you mean it's financial because if she's having sex with you against your will, you could call the cops. Granted it's hard to prove as a woman, let alone a man, but you could try]

First, is this your kid? If not, move, if it is move but set up a saving account or something for the child to deposit into so you limit your contact with the mother. I know you don't have the money, but relocating for work can get you away from this woman. Also look into seasonal work, working a fishing boat or picking produce is tough but you can get away from her and save money. Not sure where you're from but in Canada there's a summer job where you plant saplings, it's hard work but you can make a few thousand dollars. This could help you move somewhere with steady work.

In terms of money, make a luck charm or money charm to attract it. Look through the spells on the site. Above all do not pay for any spells outside of materials you shouldn't pay for spells.
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