
CovenSpell Casters ► Suggestions..?
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Post # 1
Hi! I am Skye, a fairly new caster who joined in November but didn't have to courage to cast spells or post on here until now. I am really new and even developed my own spell (Storm of the Dog), but am unsure where to get started in this whole new world I have just got into. I did, just a few weeks ago, successfully transformed into a wolf. Where do I get started? Where and when can I use my spells and rituals? Do I need a mentor of some sort?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
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Re: Suggestions..?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Yea, you're gonna hate me when I say you didn't physically transform into a wolf [If you meant astral you should of specified] real magick isn't like movies, read some books on the subject to better understand. Magick is energy, it is a part of nature, it can only effect energy and cannot go against nature.

The Witches Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar is a good starting point. There are others depending on your path, so specify if you want more recommendations on a topic.

You can technically do spells and rituals anywhere at anytime but you might consider keeping some things private. If you cast a circle it creates a type of 'holy ground' and it can be cast anywhere. It is wiser to cast a circle [or do a spell/ritual] somewhere where you won't be disturbed. Couple reasons why, but the biggest being you need to focus and it's hard to do so when people keep walking through your ritual space.

You don't need a mentor, but you will need to study and practice. Read articles and forums here, watch videos and read books, above all practice, but whatever your path you should try and live it, not just one day a week or month. Good luck to you Skye.
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Re: Suggestions..?
Post # 3
I would start with basic correspondences: colors, herbs, stones, moon phases and anything else that may interest you. I would also suggest trying candle spells, they can be fairly simple. But of course you can use your own spells and rituals and you don't need a mentor but can have one if you'd like. Try they have a lot of articles.
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