Energy work/manipulation

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Energy work/manipulation
Post # 1

I thought I had an idea, but now I'm completely confused. Would someone please explain to me what energy work is, and basic exercises on how to do it or something like that.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Energy work/manipulation
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You should probably delete the other two identical threads since it would be considered spamming the forums and that's against site rules.

There are articles and forums with the answer to your question, you might consider asking all knowing Google for more information. Energy is the key to magick, without energy you are just saying some words. Charging is the act in which you bring this neutral energy into your body, Grounding is when you release this energy [usually negative but if you have too much energy You ground] back into the universe. A basic one is the tree exercise which can be found in the Wicca forums, to sum it up you visualize/feel roots from your body going into the earth, through these roots you let negative energy flow out of your body and far away. Next visualize branches that bring in positive energy. When grounding you should feel your pain, worry, and anger flow away making you feel lighter. When charging you should feel a warmth and be happier, safer, and calmer. There are many methods so find the best one for you.
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Re: Energy work/manipulation
Post # 3
Thank you and I don't know how the other two identical posts happened It must have glitched or something.
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