Titles for practitioners

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Titles for practitioners
Post # 1

I am an eclectic/solitary practitioner, but I was wondering if it would be considered roleplay or something similar to call yourself a sorcerer or wizard or magickian or something like that. Not "great sorcerer" or "almighty wizard" but just those names on their own. Also, is there a difference between sorcerer or wizard or witch? Like in power or what they do. One final thing, can you be male and still call yourself a witch?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Titles for practitioners
Post # 2

No, it's called giving yourself a title, a lot of people do it, I refer to myself as a Witch. You can call yourself any title you wish. Role-playing will concidered playing yourself as a mythical character/beast. Like saying your a vampire, werewolf, ..etc.

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