In secret

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In secret
Post # 1
Hi, I am quite new to magick and I do it in secret. So my question is: does anyone have tips that I can use to convince certain people that it is oké to use magick? The reason I want this is so I can use candles, herbs etc. when casting spells.
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Re: In secret
Post # 2
sweety, personally...well to my understandings secerts cant be kept. Theres always a way on a secert being revealed.

witchcraft is like a hobby (probably not the scientific term but anyway) where one wishes to explore the field of magic. But if your 'really' commited to be a witch theres the 5 law rule. One of the rules are to be slience about being a witch due to being caught in the act and burnt to the stake.

But it was only in 1926 when the last known witch to be burnt by the stake. We live in the 21th Century, i don't see the risk.

Just tell them the way it is!
all apologies if this was confusing in any shape or form

wish you luck
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Re: In secret
By: / Novice
Post # 3
@ Strawberry where did you get that date? Different countries stopped convicting and/or killing accused witches at different times. Currently while there is prejudice against pagans in the first world [vandalism, job termination, some assaults] but there are witch trials still going on in other parts of the world. There's some African countries where they believe the devil is targeting children and many are abandoned, tortured, or even killed. Here in the developed/industrialized part of the world you have little to fear. Also, witchcraft is not a hobby, it is a study, and/or religious path. Spell casting [while not specifically witchcraft] can be seen as a hobby for some, but for those who use it with their spirituality/religion it's like a ceremonial prayer, only done when needed, not out of boredom.

Stan, if you are under the legal age of consent you should tell your parents. You should explain why you wish to cast spells. Do you best to explain why you enjoy it as well as what magick is. If they refuse, stop your practice until you are a legal adult, after that there's little they can say or do.
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Re: In secret
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

1926 ? oh come on! just yesterday an old lady living near by me was burned by several people claiming she was a witch -__- (although she was just a normal old lady practicing nothing! :P )

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Re: In secret
Post # 5
I practice in secret because I don't want my co workers know that I am a witch
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