Fleetwood Mac

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Fleetwood Mac
Post # 1
Hello, I'm sorry for asking a stupid question but
I watched this movie called American Horror Stories: Coven there's a part that features Fleetwood Mac singing "Rhianna" or something. On there they said that she was a white witch and that song was a spell. I have reseached FM up but it has too many loose ends can someone help me.
Because for one I know that I can't said to Fleetwood Mac about her behalf
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Re: Fleetwood Mac
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You talking about Fleetwood Mac the band or Stevie Nicks the singer? [Just asking because you said you 'couldn't speak to her'] I think there songs are just songs [but Stevie Nicks does have two songs on the Practical Magic soundtrack] however, if a song resonates with you or you find them 'magical' then use them in your spell work. Some use music to set a mood or raise energy, so I don't see the harm so long as you feel empowered and not because it was on a show.
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Re: Fleetwood Mac
Post # 3
Fleetwood Mac has two songs that are in the series (Rhiannon and Seven Wonders), both which can be thought of as magical because the lyrics and Stevie's voice. I always connected the two songs to magic prior to the season of Coven. However, if you listen to Florence + The Machine, you can get a similar vibe as well. Florence's lyrics and tone set the mood.
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