Near death experiences

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Near death experiences
Post # 1
What do you think about near death experiences?

a lot of people claim to see heaven and hell when this happens,but I've heard that people of other religions see different things,but than there is on child who claims he saw heaven and spoke with people who died before he was born and his parents hadn't told him about them,I've been told that with enough blood flow the brain could survive for days after the vital signs stop.

Here is the video with the boy I mentioned(you'll have to copy and paste the link to your search bar):

There are also atheists who see heaven,but if the brain survives for a little while after the rest of the body dies,than that could just be a dream,my dreams are pretty random and don't always make sense or have anything to do with what I think about,so I won't rule that out.

and then there are people who say they leave their bodies and see what's going on around them,and are usually right,what do you think of all if this?
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 2
There are plenty of other videos and stories on the internet about heaven and hell and reincarnation.

There is something else that I've been wondering,I've mentioned this in another post,but I've like to mention it again,how can we tell the difference between reincarnation and post cognition?
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 3
Near death experiences. Interesting topic. From what I read, a near death experience, is a real thing. It happens to people. Typically they describe themself going down a tube. they know they are dying. I talked to a friend's parent who had a near death experience. After ten minutes you can't be brought back. This conclude's my brief version.
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 4
Oh, yeah they say they never saw the after life, so that link is lying. Also you see what you believe when you die. If you are an aeitheist I think you stay on earth as a spirit or reincarnation.
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 5
Near-death experiences are very real. My mom had a near death experience once. She was on the operating table when it happened. She had a near-death experience with all of the classic syptoms. She recalled standing up and getting off of the operating table and looking at herself as the doctors were operating on her and her then walked into a tunnel with a very bright white light at the end of it. Turns out she actually did die. She was out for almost 5 minutes. She came back after finally being successfully resuscitated. This happened before I was born.
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 6
Postcognition is the especially rare ability to view past events. The past events viewed will usually have something to do with an event that will occur in the present future. Reincaration is a new version of something from the past.
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Re: Near death experiences
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
In October,2013, I was clinically dead for six minutes. I saw-----nothing!
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 8
I had a near death experience 29 years ago
I had died and was above my body looking down on my body on a bed in a hospital room with doctors working on my heart. I did see a path like tunnel with a bright light. When I woke up I said to my mum and sister what am I doing here and why wasn't I dead? I had been unconscience and had died 3 times and bought back to life. I can only recall seeing my body the one time. Maybe that was the last time out of the three and that's why its so vivid in my memory.
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Re: Near death experiences
Post # 9
Apologies for replying to this thread so late. I opted to withhold my reply until I had experienced near death for myself. I am replying to this thread more than one year after my near death experience occurred because it took me that long to wrap my head around it, I also wanted to meditate on it so that I could gain clarity before regaling you all with the tale.

I was attending a social gathering where a coworker was showing off his .45 caliber pistol. According to the police investigation, a mechanical defect caused the pistol to discharge into my abdominal region.

After two hours of internal bleeding, my heart rate climbed dramatically and then stopped completely. The doctor called my mother, informing her that I had to be brought back to life. During my temporary state of death, I saw the entirety of the cosmos—past, present, and future. A being with the figure of a man approached, its head obstructed by a light bright enough to set one's eyes ablaze. The being placed its hand upon my shoulder and spoke, "Your time has not yet come."

I asked the being when my time would come. It replied, "The time for your death has not yet been prescribed, for Elohim has forbidden the spirit of death from taking you. Your name is written within the book."

The being revealed that it had observed my life from the moment of conception to that current moment. It also told me there was something about me that I had to discover for myself, something not possessed by any other in all creation.

When I awoke from the death-like sleep, which lasted six hours, I could not sleep for five days. Although the noise from the occupant in the hospital bed next to me was a factor, there was also a force preventing me from partaking in much-needed slumber. Upon my release from the hospital, both my family and the doctor noted that the gaping wound in my torso was closing much faster than expected. During recovery, I had to pack the wound caused by the bullet, as well as the massive incision made to perform a right hemicolectomy, with gauze.

I couldn't properly articulate my belief that this same being was expediting my recovery, so I simply told people that I healed faster than most. Ever since then I have been doing things which I normally wouldn't do such as flying to Arizona twice in 1 year to visit Tombstone, I started my own business, and I'm taking care to spend more time with family.
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