
CovenSpell Casters ► reading
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Post # 1
i need a reading about my education..will i pass all my exams this dob is 04.03.87
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Re: reading
Post # 2

Instead of asking someone to do a reading about your education, perhaps you should take the time to actually study and work toward passing your classes. If you put forth the hard work and dedication, I assure you that you will do well.

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Re: reading
By: / Novice
Post # 3
A reading doesn't give an 'absolutely going to happen' it gives a 'most likely to happen if you remain on this path' answer. The future is constantly changing by little choices you make.

Let's say you receive a yes, the reading alone could be enough of a change to make a new future happen. You find out you will pass, you grow confident, don't study as much, skip a class here and there, take the exam and shockingly you fail. The reading wasn't wrong, you effected your future, changing the outcome of the reading. This is why many suggest unless there's an omen or you don't like the future, to forget about the reading as you could unknowingly change things. Best to study and do your best.
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