
CovenSpell Casters ► Godless
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Post # 1
ive been feeling so distant from god and i dont know why...i mean like everytime i pray bad things happen and all that...i mean there are stuff in the bible that forbids my lifestyle and saying that im going to hell....it feels like god has forsaken me...its like im an empty vessel or something...i feel so hopeless and i dont like that.all i thing about is that is there a heaven,is there a hell..thats what tumbles around in my head...i mean why i feel this way...when i felt this feeling i was like angry and keep on repeating in my head "theres no heaven,theres no hell,theres no god,theres no satan,when you die you die" i keep sayng that and i dont like feeling like that....i mean im so lost in life right now...and i dont know why..maybe there is no god or maybe he has forsaken me...i need to know the Truth.. :"(
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Re: Godless
Post # 2
In my opinion, there is no god, I mean, how could god create a man from dust? If you read the first book of the bible and really think about it, how did Adam live to be 930 years old? And his son Cain, he ran away and found a wife? I thought that god only created 2 people? So how did Cain find people? And think about it, where did god come from? And it says nothing about god creating mars or any of the planets! Where did they come from? And if Adam and Eve where the first people on earth, how come we are digging up dinosaur bone? WITHOUT human bones? That is my opinion, sorry if this hurts you but this is the way I think. But I respect your religion and how you think, you keep thinking that, or not if what I think is right in you opinion. Hoped this helped
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Re: Godless
Post # 3
Natureus, only you can tell what is true and what is not. I have had doubt before of my faith and practice in magic. In the back of my mind, I thought that maybe the priests were right and I would burn in hell when I die, and whenever I prayed or cast a spell, I felt I was doing wrong, or that I was causing more harm than good. Every bad thing that happened to my family, I blamed on myself. Although despite all of that, I never lost faith in God, or A god. I always believed someone or somethings was guiding me and in the end, they guided me to my path. After ages of soul searching, I foud out that I wasn't doing wrong, the only bad thing I was doing was doubting what I believed, and all I needed was a little confidence. Know that you are entitled to your practices and faith, and know that if you believe there is a god, then trust him, and he will listen. But of course, it's your call, so you decide. No true god will abandon their child
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Re: Godless
Post # 4
even if one does not believe in god (i do) one has to realize that a higher being created the universe.
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Re: Godless
By: / Novice
Post # 5
D, that is an unproven belief, similar to the big bang theory. There isn't a solid proven explanation of how the universe was created so you shouldn't state that you need to believe this happened. [Also, if someone doesn't believe in a god, how can they believe that god created the universe?] You can believe what you want, but you can't say everyone should think like this.

Natureus I don't know what to say. I've done soul searching and came to Wicca as a result of it. Meditate, read, keep a journal of your thoughts. I can't help you much, this is your spiritual journey, you need to find your own faith. I believe there's a God and Goddess who don't help unless asked, but like any parent, they know when to let us do things on our own. Perhaps you can't hear them, I do belief in a higher being, but its possible there isn't anything. These are things you need to discover yourself I'm afraid.
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