Gyspy Witchcraft Coven

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Gyspy Witchcraft Coven
Post # 1
Both the Priest and Priestess have been inactive and have not been online at all this year. I have Applied to take over the priesthood of the coven. I sent a mail to Petrarca on why I thought I would make a decent Priest for the coven. The covens activity is diminishing to the point of almost nothingness. I for one do not wish to see this coven close and was wondering if anyone knew of anyway I could try and get the coven to have more active members or anything that might help get a Priest or Priestess put in place in the coven.
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Re: Gyspy Witchcraft Coven
Post # 2

Well first, you must wait, do not pester Pet, he will evaluate you by seeing how knowledgeable you are. If you pester him, you will be at risk of not getting the coven and loosing your membership.

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Re: Gyspy Witchcraft Coven
Post # 3
I didn't plan to pester him. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to kick start the coven as is? maybe get more people interested in it.
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Re: Gyspy Witchcraft Coven
Post # 4
The best you can do to get it jumped off is to(if you become priest) post a forum within this thread announcing the coven is up and running again and will accept applications. Also, look through the covens forums to see if there were some already started ideas that were not finished or started, begin with that with the members who are still apart of the coven. I wish you the best of luck though.
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Re: Gyspy Witchcraft Coven
Post # 5
Thank you for the Advice! I never even thought of that. This will be very helpful!
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