Forgotten Basics

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Forgotten Basics
Post # 1
I wanna share with you some basics that aren't always widely taught. Some of you may already know them, good and if not then here you go! :D

Void Moon
Approximately every 2-3 days the moon goes void. It lasts from a few seconds to a few days. Simply put, the moon figuratively goes to sleep and anything started during its rest period doesn't end well including magic. That's why it's important to keep up with more than just the phases.

I can testify that it's true, I once started a very sweet relationship with this guy on a night of a void moon (unknowingly). It was magical, but the Next day he acted like nothing happened and treated me like a stranger.
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Re: Forgotten Basics
Post # 2
I didn't finish the article Dx! I pressed the finish button on accident lol and can't fix it. I guess I'll continue it later lol
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Re: Forgotten Basics
Post # 3
I've heard similar stories.
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Re: Forgotten Basics
Post # 4
:) it's not all bad though, it has uses to. Ending thins here and ad news disappear to
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