
CovenSpell Casters ► Seance
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Post # 1
Simple Steps on How to Conduct a Séance
For the ones who don't know what a Séance is. A Séance is a meeting of three or more people who gather and ask or receive messages from ghosts, spirits of the dead or just simply listen to the messages from the spirits.
Make sure you have the right amount of people and all the people who are willing to join this Séance. Three is the minimum number of subjects for this Séance to be run.
Make a wise choose on a medium. Why? because this person will be leading the Séance and this medium should be someone who has experience or psychic abilities.
Now for this step you can pick a ghost or spirit of the dead that you and your group of friends want to summon. Are you seeking a connection with an ancestor? or just wanting to see what's out there?
Time to set up the table or any workplace. Now you will place three candles or a number divisible by three. Place the candles in a row and also place an offering of food in the centre. The candles that are used are normally white Ouija Board Candles or you can use coloured candles that represent spiritual.
Create an atmosphere connecting to the spirit world. Light the candles, dim the lights and light some incense.
Once the 5 steps have been completed. Now gather everyone around the table or workplace and hold hands to create a circle.
Summon the spirit(s) chant the following below:
"Spirits of the past, move among us. Be guided by the of this world and visit upon us."
If you are wanting to contact a relative or friend, chant the following below:
"Beloved (name of the subject), we bring you gifts from life to death. Be guided by the light of this world and visit upon us."
Wait for a response. Repeat the chant until you begin to see results.
Once you have receive a answer from the spirit of the dead or ghost. Now is the time to ask your questions keep in mind that it's better to ask simple questions like yes or no questions.
Give the spirit/ghost some suggestions for communication such tap the table once for no and two taps for yes.
If the spirit(s)/ghost(s) is speaking through the medium, you can as any question you wish. Why spirit(s)/ghost(s) may choose to speak through the medium because some spirit(s)/ghost(s) speak in a different language then we do.
Make sure you and your friends stay calm while it can be startling to actually make a connection. It is important to maintain control of the situation. If a subject asks to stop the Séance due to fear or any other concern. You must always stop the Séance for those reasons, you should never force one to continue if they do not want to!
If the situation gets out of control, end the Séance now! buy simply breaking the circle of hands, blowing out the candles and turning back on the light or ask the medium for help you choose to bring the medium along with you.
When everyone is happy with they results, end the Séance by thanking the spirit(s)/ghost(s) for visiting. To end this, break the circle of hands, blowing out the candles and turning on the lights.
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Re: Seance
By: / Novice
Post # 2

don't take information from different sites without posting the source. plagiarism is against site rules.
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Re: Seance
Post # 3
Also, if you want to summon a spirit, heres another spell:

Light candles

On a piece of paper, right down the spirit/ink/consumer's name. Or a name you just call it. "Jane doe" or I call mine 'kelly' since I think its her name.

Then, chant the following three times:
''Shadows lurking in the night,

I summon you,

come to us tonight. "

It has worked extremely well for me. :)
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Re: Seance
Post # 4
Using seance isa really bad,many people have died from it,or get cursed, not a good Idea to contact spirit world, Have you heard about anneliese . She Was possessed by a few demons . Lucifer,hitler,cain, Judas iscariot,Nero,Fleischman

Valentin Fleischmann was a Frankish Catholic priest who lived in the 16th century. Fleischmann's priesthood lasted from around 1572 to 1575. He had been defrocked and excommunicated from the Catholic church due to his drunken behavior. Fleischmann was accused of assault and murder. According to the priests who performed the exorcism of Anneliese Michele, a young German woman, Fleischmann was the sixth demon discovered to be inhabiting Anneliese's body. Because Anneliese was a Catholic living in Germany, she may have learned about Valentin Fleischmann during her studies as the Franks were Germanic and Fleischmann lived in Ettlebin, Bavaria. This information may have influenced the supposed presence of Fleischmann in demonic form.
During the exorcism, a total of six demons were reported to be in possession of Anneliese's body. The other five, aside from Fleischmann, included Lucifer, Roman Emperor Nero, Adolf Hitler, Cain and Judas Escariot. There has been speculation that Valentin Fleischmann represented the corruption of the priesthood and of the Catholic church. Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt performed nearly 70 exorcisms on Anneliese prior to her death in 1976. Anneliese's parents, Josef and Anna Michel, were charged with negligent homicide. Renz and Alt were also charged. Anneliese died of malnutrition and dehydration, weighing just 68 pounds when she died.
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