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Post # 1
Hello, I have a question, does everyone have an aura?
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Re: aura
Post # 2
i think so
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Re: aura
Post # 3
Aura, is just the energy inside you radiating outward. I say that everyone has one because everyone I focus on has one.
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Re: aura
Post # 4
if you open your third eye you should see it Im still stuck on what use it is though
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Re: aura
Post # 5
Though most of us can't see the auras of ourselves or others, some people can, and what we must depend on to understand the significance of the color of the aura, how far the aura emanates out from the body, and how we can use this data to reveal more about ourselves or others. Unlike the religious pictures, which usually portray the subject with a white or golden aura, auras actually cover the spectrum of color, and the colors and intensity of the aura change constantly along with our moods, thoughts, and levels of energy.
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Re: aura
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Thank you Rose I couldn't have said that better. People who can see auras see so much more than just a color. Many times people have different colors at different places on the body. The colors can be pale or vivid which tells us if the chakras are open. Sometimes the way colors swirl together also tells us different things about what is going on with the person.

Every human has an aurea, animals even have them.
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Re: aura
Post # 7
Ok, thanks!
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Re: aura
Post # 8
Scott Cunningham has a great book called "How to see and read the aura".

In the book he explains how you can sense a persons mood and if they are sick or well.

There are also exercises you can do that will help you to see others auras easier.
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Re: aura
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
every living thing has an aura our auras record things from the day were born differant coloured auras mean differant things
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