No food at all!

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Re: No food at all!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
Misled by whom?
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Re: No food at all!
Post # 9
...Maybe Diligent means the poster (vitaliukas) is being mislead by their subconscious or unconscious mind? I can't speak yay or nay on eating only fruit as I am neither a psychologist nor a philosopher, not that that matters as this is their choice on how to live their life which they have a right to live as they see fit. There are many people who are happy eating specific types of foods and feel they are healthier living as such.
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Re: No food at all!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Yes,indeed! But he/she is talking about not eating at all!
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Re: No food at all!
Post # 11
I'm sorry Brysing I apparently misread the post referring to them being mislead and thought they were commenting on the less startling desire to eat only fruit as that's the only thing they've remotely referred to be told to do if only by their unconcious, but after rereading it obviously the only person who knows who gave vitaliukas the idea they could substitute energy from nature for physical nourishment is vitaliukas themselves, though most likely they got the wrong impression from some energy manipulation information resource, possibly this very site. I am hopeful the point that foregoing food is not only unhealthy but will ultimately lead to death has been well explained as I'm not certain what else could be said to get this point across.
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Re: No food at all!
Post # 12
You know eating fruits is not realy eating gifts of or fellow plants, but their children (just saying your philosophy is a bit of in my opinion cause by that logic in witch you eat fruit as I can understand your balives state that plants are alive, than so is fruit, so than what is wrong with eating meet, eighter way your eating something that used to be alive and whas or in the case of fruit I gues still is... I dont get vegetarian logic)
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Re: No food at all!
Post # 13
Well if they wanted their seeds to end up in a toilet and than the see in most cases of fruit than im shour they would be weary hapy, I personaly balive in survival of the fittest
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Re: No food at all!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Neo-Druidry.
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Re: No food at all!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 15

The easiest way to get energy from your environment is to eat food of some sort. Whether one chooses to be an omnivore, a vegetarian, or a vegan is up to you. But you cannot subsist for long without some form of nutritional intake, and you can't get that from your aura. You certainly won't get more than a few days on your bicycle journey without having food to fuel your body.

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Re: No food at all!
Post # 16
Correction about the other kidney failing. I meant liver! And your rationalization is nothing new to me. I am not debating whether or not it can be done for longer periods of time then what popular science and medicine dictate through what appears to be magic. My aunt died at 21. She was a validictorian and head cheerleader. Nobody had a clue. She starved herself to death. By the time we knew there was a problem her body rejected all forms of nourishment, even i.V. She had a heart attack on the table and died. My friend with all the health problems is lucky compared to her. Anorexia is deadly. It is a mental illness that can be worse than schizophrenia. People who are sucseptible to it feel they have no control in their lives except over their bodies. Much like people who cut themselves. Whoever you are idolizing in an effort to back up what you are saying is likely worse off than you. I pray you both pull your heads out.
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Re: No food at all!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 17
The only way you can go without eating for long periods is by juicing entire fruits and veggies and drinking them. It's actually a real way some people detox. Perhaps your body is just needing a good detox, not absence of food. Remember to properly detox you need to be sure your produce is grown without pesticides. You can also consider checking out detox supplements like chlorella. Along with lots of water and a high fiber diet, it can remove more toxins than most.

But remember, every fruit and vegetable has different vitamins and minerals and we need them all. So be sure that you are getting a good balance to ensure you health. Beans as well as nuts contain protein we need. So if you want to only take from plants, those should be included in your diet. And check back with your doctor regularly to make sure that your diet is improving your health, not making it worse. We are all different and what works for one person will not work for others.

I personally love food, all of it and couldn't imagine not enjoying it.
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