
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Origins
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Post # 1
So previously I started a thread about the difference religion could have on magic now I want to bring up origins. My question is how do you believe everything started? The Big Bang? A god or goddes of some form? I'm more interested in why you believe this and how(if relevant) it applies to your magical life.

I personally as I've say on my previous thread do not believe in a religion an perhaps as a result of that I am a firm believer of the Big Bang. Science I believe is what caused everything that is and is still the cause and will be the cause of it's destruction I believe. So my magic is unaffected. Let me know you're thoughts! :-)
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Re: Origins
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Paths.
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Re: Origins
Post # 3
And apparently calls to no one bummer.
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Re: Origins
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Strictly speaking, the word "science" means "knowledge". And that's how witchcraft started; the knowledge about plants.The healing qualities; the harmful qualities.
It was how the ancients tried to understand their surroundings; and what they found impossible to understand they attributed to various "supernatural powers"; GODS!
And, as further knowledge was gained,the Gods became less! Such as the God of thunder,the God of rain, the God of earthquakes and volcanoes. The more we learned, the less the Gods mattered; until now people believe in the one God over all the others.
Religion is a belief of one sort or another. But a belief does not make it true!
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