
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► help!

Re: help!
Post # 13
i can't check anything about him..
i wiah i knew him..
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Re: help!
Post # 14
So let me clarify. You want someone to give you a spell who doesnt care what happens to them or anyone else to help you obsess over someone who is more than likely married. And you obviously dont care anything for the person who would give that to you or you would not have mentioned the ring in the first place. Passive aggressiveness is not going to get you what you want. You need to study the basics, practice and do it yourself like everybody else did. Im not trying to be mean. Im trying to help you. He likely got sidetracked what with trying to be polite to you, knowing that you targeted him and shook your hand to make sure you saw the ring. You could do a finding true love spell and use all ofthe characteristics you liked in this man in your intent. Then, if it is like you suspect and the ring was not a wedding band (beware though people have lied about that in the past) then he will cross your path again because it was meant to be.
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Re: help!
Post # 15
Well, that ring that looked like the typical wedding ring, kinda of upset me to be was actually too big to be a wedding ring.. usually it's golden and this one was silver or maybe just steel, he sported it as something fashion.. I could not do an inquiry about his ring and his marital status..

What surprises me about this guy was that he came back to the shop looking for me because he suddenly wanted to top up his phone...

He could have asked for both the sim card for his laptop and the top up earlier.. getting both the two things together..
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Re: help!
Post # 16
The only thing i know of to find out the answer to a question is divination. It could take years to master just one form. I know of a silver ring finding true love spell if you change your mind.
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Re: help!
Post # 17
Could you please tell me more about this spell?
Last October a psychic made me a reading and told me that I would have given less importance to a certain person in a few months (she did not specify exactly when)stating that I would have met Mr Right.
Well, when I met this mysterious guy I fell for at first sight, someone else suddenly became less important to me, like a distant thought.
I made a Tarot reading about the mysterious guy I met on December 26th 2013:
1) The Sun
2) Justice
3) Lovers
4) Wheel
5) Chariot

All the cards are upright.

What do you think?
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Re: help!
Post # 18
I do divination on an oracle gemstone deck currently and use it as a daily tool mostly to plan my day. Im not an "expert" on tarot but i am positive that someone who is will read this post and tell you what they think. Let me dig out that spell and post it for yot. Thank you for letting me help. I did find it interesting what the psychic told you however I have been warned to take what they say with a grain of salt as they may be setting you up to extract money, maybe unintentionaly. But it sounded like it could have been genuine to me. A little vagueness though.
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Re: help!
Post # 19
Thank you :)
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Re: help!
Post # 20
Attraction charm: to draw a new lover to you. By the light of a full or waxing moon. Preferably on a friday, take a silver ring and wrap it in a white or pink clean cloth. Dig a small hole. Bury the ring and cloth inside while focusing on the kind of lover you are looking for and pouring a small amount of milk for nurturing and offering recite these words: blessed mother fair and true, this gift i offer unto you, bless this ring and make it shine, bring a lover to be mine, so mote it be. Leave the ring burried until the next waxing or full moon, then dig it up and wear it. If your love is near, he or she will be drawn to you. Now i dont know how they do it in the u.k. But in the u.s. We wear wedding, engagement and promise rings on the ring finger of the left hand so i dont suggest wearing it on that finger so nobody thinks your taken if the tradition is the same there. ~blessed be~
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Re: help!
Post # 21
Thank you :)
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Re: help!
Post # 22
I decided not to look for this guy anymore even though he definitely impressed me two weeks ago..
I just let things happen naturally.. if it is meant to be somehow, it will find its own way.
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