I wish a lover to return

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Re: I wish a lover to return
By: / Novice
Post # 5
There are several spells and methods to flush someone out of your system. Which one works depends on what method you use to emote or express yourself. Some people emote through writing, others emote painting or singing or playing a musical instrument. So unless I know that it’s difficult to tell you exactly which spell is for you.

None-the-less, below is a general spell to help you heal from a broken relationship.

• 1 lemon and three green chillies or 1 egg
• 1 black candle
• Banishing oil (blend pine oil, peppermint oil and rosemary oil in olive oil. Add crushed pepper corns and cayenne pepper. Store in a brown medicine bottle)
• Love letters, smses, emails, photographs of the two of you, of your ex and anything that he/she has given you.

On the night of a waning moon, cleanse your black candle and anoint it with banishing oil. Sit down in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Hold the lemon and chillies or the egg in your right hand or the hand that you write with and think about the relationship that has ended. Read old love letters, smses, emails, look at the photographs. Bring your negative emotions to the surface by allowing yourself to feel the grief, loneliness, frustration, anger, fear. Don’t be afraid to cry. Project your unhappiness into the egg or the lemon and chillies. Think of the egg or lemon and chillies like a sponge, soaking up all your negative emotions.

Once you feel that the egg or the lemon and chillies have sucked up your negative emotions, bury it outside, preferably far away from your house. You can also burn the letters and photographs in the candle flame and bury the ash and stuff he/she has given you. Ofcourse, please don’t be silly by burying something that has resale value, like gold, silver and diamonds. You can sell that kind of stuff later on.

When you come back home, light another anointed black candle if the previous one has burnt out and delete all smses and emails exchanged between the two of you from your computer and phone. Remove your exes’s number from your phone and block him/her on email and all social networks. Avoid all contact and communication with your ex for two moon cycles, give yourself that time.

Buy a rose quartz once the moon starts waxing. Cleanse it, charge it and wear it. Don’t forget to cleanse and charge the crystal once a week. Rose quartz is a crystal that surrounds you with a warm, fuzzy and loving energy.

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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 6
I'm a vocalist, composer, and an actress those are my outlets. My fiance dissapeared him I would like him 2 return, or at least to know he's ok.

My bestfriend he comes & goes when he benifits. He saved my life so I owe him but I'm sick of that, bche. Knowws no matter what he does I'll always be there to pickup the pieces. But I can't letgo bc I do love him & he protected me so its a loyalty thing. I want him out of my head and soul.

Did that help?
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Re: I wish a lover to return
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Little confused... Is your fiancé and best friend the same person
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 8
No. My fiance Javan just dissapeared no one has seen or heard from him & would like him to return.

My bestfriend michael is all drama but he saved my life 4years ago and I don't know how to turn my back on people but I want to be done with him. I love him but enough is enough.
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 9
Hi my name is rose, practist this 13 yrs ago, and i hv been married
to my husband for 13yrs, so i know well it works, red candle, at
bottom of candle etch the first letter of first name,middle name
and surname, then with loving thoughts and feeling and a picture
of him in yr mind, light candle until,it burns it self out, with
the wax that is left, put in river, keep doing and he will first,
when u are sure, u hv him in palm of yr hand so to speak, no more
candles, if he starts to waine go back to red candle again, use
inscents to, ones for love good luck,let him do all the talking ok,
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 10
Just a red candel no spell?
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 11
Aren't there consequences to taking free will away?
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 12
Put in river? What does that mean? Do I need access to an actual river of water?
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Re: I wish a lover to return
Post # 13
Please, if you have your own questions, make a new thread / post. It's not fair to the original poster, when you hijack theirs.


The ideals of "taking away free will " and the "consequences" in doing so, are based off a practitioner's moral compass, than a particular path.

Let's take folk magic, for example.

The practice of using herbs, oils, and other items, in calling to a practitioner's desire(s).
Through strong willpower, and the appeasement of the spirit's acceptance, the fear of taking away one's "free will" is a foreign concept.


I would like to know more, about the previous discussion, about throwing a candle in a river -- for love, was it?

In most paths, throwing your ritual items into moving water, would break the spell.


~ Never Lost
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Re: I wish a lover to ret
Post # 14
Maybe you should start your own thread to ask that question. Haha j.k. Anyway its the same concept as burying it. Its and end to a means. Returning the energy you used to perform the magic. I feel it neccessary to mention that maybe caution is neccessary when trying to police eueryones every move and intent simply on opinion.
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