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Re: empath
Post # 11
I am an Empath, that is how I got my start. Being able to "see things" isn't a part of Empathy. You should look into Clairvoyance, you may be talented in that area. Everyone is able to Empathize with others, but Psychic Empathy is different. Empaths can feel other peole's feelings as powerful, or more powerful, than their own.
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Re: empath
Post # 12
I just recently figured out that I too am an empath and wondered how this person can "see" things. I just have the ability to feel people. By the way how do you deal with the adverse side effects of being an empath...i get drained and overwhelmed often
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Re: empath
Post # 13
"By the way how do you deal with the adverse side effects of being an empath...i get drained and overwhelmed often "

Some of the empaths I have known talk about having to learn shielding and focusing, and learning to block the unwanted information. They basically learn to open their abilities when they wish to, in stead of leaving it "on" all the time.
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Re: empath
Post # 14
Empath meqns you can feel things not see them to do so you would eithr have to be a indigo empath crystal child or clairvoyant to "see thing" dont get me wrong i see them to that's because i am a indigo empath and yes there is such a thing if you dont believe me then look it up.
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Re: empath
Post # 15
I am an empath as well and it sucks sometimes. I feel everyone around me, their pain,anger,etc. How do you control it? I can easily tell when someone is not telling the truth,and can find things that are hidden. It drives me crazy!!!
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Re: empath
Post # 16
I used to not be able to control it either, but it can be dealt with.

The best method is shielding, if you ask me. You have to center and ground first, though. (Look it up.)

Empaths may have other powers that allow them to 'see' things, but most Empaths just feel what others feel.
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Re: empath
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
No offense to any one ...but as I've read through this conversation I seem to see a few mis conceptions..empathy is emotional state in which you understand a person's emotions and feel the projected state of mind yourself - you see someone with a sad face and it make you feel sad for them - psychic empathy you need not see them but still feel there emotions and it is extremely hard to block out the emotional toll can be very draining ..but there is also psychic empathic vampirism where you pick up emotions and the empathy is so strong you take on said emotions as there own or. Seem to be energized by others emotions and cause those around them to be drained ..and yet there is another form of empathy which are capable as I have heard of actually projectecting there emotions onto others ...excuse my rant if it has offended merry meet.
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Re: empath
Post # 18
@Tazair Don't worry. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not offended.

Generally (this is just *my* experience) when someone is referred to as an Empath, it means they can feel the emotions of other people. This is due to hypersensitivity. For some people with Empathy (note the capital letter,) it only occurs when they are around the person whose emotions they are feeling, but for others, it may occur even when far away.

When a lowercase e is used for empathy, this denotes the other term you used, which is simply sympathizing with another person's emotions because you have felt them before yourself, but not truly feeling their emotions. That's how I make the distinction, though I can't speak for anyone.

From my personal experience, if I am not actively shielding myself (shielding takes a great amount of energy for me, for some reason) I can feel the general sum of emotions around me and internalize them. If I'm talking to someone specific, I tune in to them, and I begin to feel their emotions. This happens without me noticing and is rarely ever intentional. It took me a long time to learn how to tell the difference between my emotions and someone else's.

This ability seems to grow stronger over time as well. I can feel emotions from afar of those I am bonded with. A lot of the time, I don't even realize the emotions are not my own; only when I am shielding do the emotions fade, and I realize it wasn't me at all. Also, though this is not known by many, there are several different types of Empaths. You can read more about that here, because I don't want to take up too much space: http://www.zengardner.com/types-of-empaths/

All of the above that I wrote is my personal opinion, based on years of examining myself and communicating with other Empaths. Not everyone will agree or disagree, and I'm always open to hearing other opinions. :)
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Re: empath
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
Thank you for posting the link I'm always open to learning new things
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Re: empath
Post # 20
Its not just for human emotion they are talking spiritually there is no misconception just misreading it a emapth child can detect the spirits emotion and allow themselves to be emotionally posessed or channlers you might call them. They have the ability to read extremely well and can dectect the location of a spirit usually theough energy and the emotional state they put out.
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