
CovenSpell Casters ► Bullying
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Post # 1

Heres a statement that, isn't necessarily bad, but still is heard often these days, and isn't really effective. "Stop Bullying". The thing is, that we can't exactly stop bullying, because, like it or not, we are programmed to have that in our nature. We do it all the time to our siblings, but we blame it on the fact that its our siblings. We also do it to our friends, like when one person takes another person's lunch box, hides it, and then everyone, including the victim, laughs when the prank is completely over. So, my thought on this topic, as wrap this up, is that, isn't bullying an impossible force to beat? If we are born with the bad to help balance out the good, doesn't commanding us to go against our "programming" seem almost like we are yelling at ourselves for something that will always be there, and is there sometimes for a good reason? Bullying is something we have been trying to get rid of for years, but it doesn't seemed to have dissapeared. I believe we are waging a war that, with good intentions, is still a kind of meaningless war. But, hey, we sure have put a stopper into it on occasion. ======So what do you thing. Leave me a comment, on what you think, or please jjust comment on the article itself. also, keep your eyes peeled for another one of these, because i sure will have another one up and ready to go for you ============

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Re: Bullying
By: / Novice
Post # 2
you have a point, everyone is born with the copacity for good or evil. at the same time, this raised the 'Nurture vs. Nature' debate. [for those who don't know of this, it's an argument/theory. people have been trying to figure out what shapes our existence; our genetics or our environment.] your example with hiding your friends lunch box as a joke, while i see your point, i don't equate as bullying. your friends lunch is returned and you all have a laugh. bullying, your friend is belittled to make yourself feel good.

while the person who is bullying could be acting out as a result of inner turmoil, [divorce, abuse, attention] i feel it's more likely the person bullies others because they see how their parents act and will act similarly. while both factor in, i've seen first hand most of my bullies come from homes where their parents are jerks. [for lack of a better word] but again, nurture vs. nature because some people pull themselves up, i've seen this first hand as well.

i don't think this issue is a quick fix, and i also feel we're going about this the wrong way. parents need to connect with their children, and teachers need to be more one-on-one with their students. sadly, parents are busier it seems, and classrooms are crowded, so it's hard to pinpoint what's going on until it's too late.
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Re: Bullying
Post # 3

I see what you mean, and i am not saying that what you stated is wrong, its just there are several flaws. For one thing, alot of parents work, and they sometimes face abuse at work, so we would need to fix their lives at work in order to fix their family, also, some children cant have that fix used upon them. However, i think i know what you mean by the lunch box joke. I am going to change that to this. It could be as simple as insulting someone, and saying you were joking. however you cant change how someone interprets something, nor can you prevent it as you made a good point of explaining

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Re: Bullying
Post # 4
Ah, like it seems no matter what I say, when it is the truth people think I'm being a jerk. Sometimes, telling the truth hurts. And when people do not wish to hear the truth some cry that they are being bullied. Like for instance, a person which continues claiming to be something other than human. I come along and at first am nice and tell them that "It is not possible to change your DNA, you will remain human." They continue to insist, then I am blunt and say "You are being Ignorant by choice and are acting like a delusional fool." They cry, they rage. When it is only the truth being told and one who knows the truth not tolerating the one who wishes to live in a la la land. Meh. Whatever floats their boat.
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Re: Bullying
Post # 5

i get it. that is also a very interesting point of view. nicely said.

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Re: Bullying
By: / Novice
Post # 6
i understand parents work, hence why i said 'sadly, parents are busier'. people need to take time out of their days, you don't just have a family because the smiths down the street have one, there's a reason behind it. as a result, you now must take responsibility for building this family, you work hard to buy the house, provide the food, toys, clothes and whatever else, but if you don't get to know your kids, what's the point? talking with them, finding out about their daily life can cut down on bullying. again, using myself as an example, i told my parents everything, still do, so they knew when i was being picked on at school.

bullying is a confusing sociological debate no one really wants to discuss because it's a long and complicated road, and it's just easier to say 'you are an easy target', 'stand up for yourself', 'sticks and stones', and anything else to make the problem go away with little effort.

i do also feel people don't know what bullying is and use it to defend themselves, as with Zalkari..'s example. firstly, this is the internet, and especially on a forum site, you can't hear the tone of my voice, so you can't tell if i'm serious, angry, happy, sarcastic, joking, or whatever [medium is the message] so you might tell someone 'no, you are wrong, magick works this way' and the person might take it as an attack, when all you were doing is trying to help. long and winded point, sorry, but basically, medium's the message, not everyone who claims bullying is really being bullied, and parents need to get to know their kids better. [also, as i said before about teachers, they need more training on how to spot the signs of being bullied, and have smaller classes so they can get to know each child so they can spot these signs easier]
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Re: Bullying
Post # 7
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Re: Bullying
Post # 8
they are all expressing their point.
To Tomcat, I completely agree with your statement. In my opinion we just have a need to put others down but we hatw it when it is us who are the victim. I think people who two sides to them and one ALWAYS overruns the other. Bullying is something we can't stop but we could think twice because we know its but I have a feeling that won't happen anytime soon:/ It will be around until the end of days or until there comes a time where maturity is key.
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