Real make beleive

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Real make beleive
Post # 1
Merry Meet! Welcome to Spell Casters. This thread is to help you the members understand what is real and what is make believe.
Make believe
Non of these are real don't bother
These spells work this is what magick can do thanks for reading hope you understand
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Re: Real make beleive
By: / Novice
Post # 2
actually you are kind of wrong. some of those spells you claim don't really do. correct many of them don't, but there are those which do and they're filed under those sections for various reasons.

Beauty spells: while these won't make you change you and make you look like Natalie Portman, or be a size 2, it can help you clean your skin or hair, give the illusion of beauty to others, the extra push to loose weight and so on. mostly the ones that work, take natural beauty remedies to help you fix those things you're having problems with like dry skin, greasey hair, dieting, and so on. [side note, weight loss/gain spells, like all the spells here don't work instantly, there mostly motivators to help you when times get rough.]

Wealth spells: defiantly work, but like the beauty spells it won;t start raining money, and you need to put some effort into it like with the weight loss/gain spells. like saying a prayer before a big interview, a spell to help with a job will do the same thing. you still need to put your best foot forward, but the spell will increase your chances of success. a wealth spell when times are rough might wind up with you finding 20$ on the street, but more often it increases your chances of success in the lottery, or at work, or whatever money venture you're in.

Trick spells: they're mostly for fun, but most of these spells don't work. magic is energy found all around us in nature, as such it cannot contradict nature so ask yourself 'as humans, can i do this?' the answer is no, human cannot fly, turn invisible, levitate, teleport or time travel. [before you being up Criss Angel, those are illusions to entertain, not real magic using the energy in nature] mindreading/telekinesis i've never looked into, but i doubt it.

Fantasy spells: like with the trick category, this was made as a place to put a lot of non-working spells. this doesn't mean they are all non-working. astrally speaking, the creatures listed are real. spells calling upon these beings for protection, wealth, luck, love, and the like will work the same as a spells calling forth a deity. a spell to change into one of these beings don't.
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Re: Real make beleive
Post # 3

Ik but i did not want to spend all day picking out ones that did and didnt work! And your welcome glade to help

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Re: Real make beleive
Post # 4
I like this, it makes sense :)
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Re: Real make beleive
Post # 5
I agree with Nekoshema and second what she says.
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