I'm Not Wiccan, but...

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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
Post # 3
Thank you very much :)
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Most assuredly it is fine if you choose to celebrate the Sabbats. Many Pagans choose to do so. The Wheel of the Year is not something that is reserved for Wiccans only.
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
Post # 5
As there be no harm do as you will lol,Your craft is your own, no ones is the same. revel in the magic that is you -make it your way blessed be
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
RainCaller; you have the wrong idea about witchcraft! Witches were celebrating the Sabbats long before Wicca was ever heard of.These beliefs go back many, many centuries.
Many refer to the Easter bunny. especially in the USA. But originally it was a hare; not a rabbit! It is also the reason for Easter eggs, because it was once thought that hares laid eggs.
Every May children all over Europe, and elsewhere, dance around a Maypole without the least idea that it is a phallic symbol.
And all religions have some magic in the ceremonies, and even witches, like me, have a spiritual side to their nature.
Witchcraft itself is not a religion, but witches have always celebrated the Sabbats; they are the natural order of the Seasons.
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
Post # 7
Hares don't lay eggs? When did that happen? Why didn't anybody tell me? Why am I always the last one to know?
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
Another joke Fabler? Why do you joke about members asking serious questions?
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
Post # 9
I doubt it should matter

There are Atheists who celebrate Christmas and I even have a Jewish friend who celebrates Christmas along with his own holidays

There are no rules on this so you can do whatever you really please

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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
Post # 10
Whoops! Sorry. Wasnt intended as a joke against original post but never heard of the hare thing, just found it very amusing. I'll get me coat.
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
By: / Novice
Post # 11
You don't need to be a Wiccan to celebrate The Eight Sabbaths. I live in Central America, not even remotely close to the US or Europe, and I don't experience the changing seasons described by the Sabbaths. Moreover, I am not a direct descent from Western Europeans, my blood is half black, half white. I come from a long line of witches from my mother's side (white, Western European) and I chose to honor those roots by practicing the Craft and observing the high holidays. This being said, it's okay to honor the Goddess and God if you feel this is what you want and if you feel it's right for you. Imbolc is a time of new beginnings and initiations, use this time to initiate yourself on the path of magic and make a commitment to yourself to practice and enlighten others. Blessed be.
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Re: I'm Not Wiccan, but...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
As I wrote, Fabler. It was "once believed". This was because ducks, and other fowl, would often lay eggs in the shallow "set" where hares live. or rather, sleep. Hares do not live in burrows as rabbits do. They live, and sleep, in the open!
It was also believed that "hares" box. This is not true. The "boxing" is merely a female fighting off a male that she doesn't want to mate with.
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