So You Want to be Wiccan

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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
Here's some book titles that I suggest for anyone serious about their Wiccan studies.

"Wicca for Beginners" by Thea Sabin
"Wicca: A Year and a Day" by Timothy Roderick
"The Elements of Ritual" by Deborah Lipp
"Phoenix from the Flame" by Vivianne Crowley
"Devoted to You" by Judy Harrow
"Witchcrafting" by Phyllis Currott
"The Witches' God" and "The Witches' Goddess" by Janet and Stewart Farrar
"Witchcraft Today" and "The Meaning of Witchcraft" by Gerald Gardner (Every Wiccan should read these books by the man who started it all.)
"WitchFather" by Philip Heselton
"The Heart of Wicca" by Ellen Cannon Reed
"Wicca: The Old Religion In the New Millennium" by Vivianne Crowley
"Deepening Witchcraft" by Grey Cat
"The Study of Witchcraft: A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca" by Deborah Lipp and Isaac Bonewits
"Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life" by Pauline Campanelli and Dan Campanelli
"Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon" by Ashleen O'Gaea
"Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara" by Ashleen O'Gaea
"A Witch Alone" by Marian Green
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
Post # 4

I really love your post Lark, something a lot of us have probably wanted to say for a long time. I feel a lot of people want to be a witch because of films & think it's cool. I hate it when I get Inboxes of people wanting to know how to cast spells but leave the religion. Begin Wiccan to me is whole lot more than casting a few spells. It's my life! I live & breath it! It's in everything, all around us. It takes a lot of hard work, detonation & dedication to me a witch. It's not a spoon feed path & I really get sick of people who think they can take a few spells & magickal forms but don't want to study up on anything *fairly take & fairly give comes to mind* I've studied very hard & don't stop! Despite begin born into this, I've not taken it lightly. I never stop trying to gain knowledge, trying to getting closer to the Lord & lady, to be closer to nature, to be the best witch I can be.

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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
In British Traditional Wicca we work with a Moon Goddess whose name is oathbound and never revealed to non-initiates.

However, Wiccans of other sorts may well worship a Goddess or Goddesses from any pantheon. In my personal workings I am allied with Sekhmet, one of the Egyptian Goddesses.
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
I have read many books on Wicca, including Gardner. The best one I have read is called 'A Witches Bible' by Janet and Stewart Farrar,
Published by Robert Hart Ltd. It covers everything in Wicca.
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
Post # 7
I'm new to wicca and searching this site for answers to my questions. I'm very confused because some people believe in any god or goddess from any religion but some only believe in the horned god and the goddess. Explain Please???
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: / Novice
Post # 8
There are as many Wiccan paths as there are Wiccans. The main Gardenian Wicca worships the Horned God and Triple Goddess. Other paths like Celtic Wicca would follow the Celtic deities. The Horned God and Triple Goddess have been switched out with Pan, Isis, Osiris, Zeus, Juno, Bridget, Lugh, and many others. It comes down to your path and faith. The point is you need to connect with a male and female deity. [Unless you follow Dainic Wicca which focuses only on the Goddess] whatever speaks to you.
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

In the various Traditions that are considered British Traditional Wicca (BTW) the deities are a Moon Goddess and a Horned God. Their names are oath-bound and never revealed to non-initiates.

In any other form of Wicca it is entirely up to the individual as to which deities they choose to worship, other than that the work with at least one god and one goddess. In that case the person will often find that they develop a personal relationship with specific deities and these are the ones that they will call upon in ritual.

As an example, in my Gardnerian coven I will call upon the Moon Goddess and the Horned God. But in my personal practice (not BTW) I honor Sekhmet, Anpu, Tehuti, and Menthu, all from the Egyptian pantheon.

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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
Post # 10
I was wondering, is it possible to follow two different deities from two different Pantheons at the same time??
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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

You can follow deities from different pantheons, but it isn't generally recommended. It is especially not recommended if those two pantheons are from cultures that were at war with each other. For instance, it would not be recommended to follow both an Irish deity and a Viking deity since the two cultures we extremely hostile toward each other.

Generally it is better to work with deities from the same pantheon to avoid conflicts.

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Re: So You Want to be Wiccan
Post # 12

Thank you so much for this post! After trying the activity, I realized how little I could contribute to the Craft, compared to how much I wanted out of it. It was very eye-opening, and it's unfortunate that it's not one of the first things that pops up when you search beginner tips for witches.

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