spirit animal

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spirit animal
Post # 1
hi can anyone introduce some ways to know and meet your animal guide?i tried the mediation one but nothing happened
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Re: spirit animal
By: / Novice
Post # 2
meditation might be best though. don't get discouraged if nothing happens after your first try.

you could try thinking about it, is there an animal you love? say it's cats, meditate thinking about cats, or holding a picture of a cat and see what happens. or think about an animal that always seems to show up, and/or seems to act strangely around you. with me, it's bears, i've grew up on my family farm and there was about 60 acres of forest i use to explore all the time. i've come across bears before [only a handful of times] and for whatever reason, they look at me and walk away. i don't suggest you seek out a wolf or a lion to test if they're your spirit animal, i'm using it as an example. say birds seem to sit close to you, or dogs don't bark at you normally.

in native culture they'd go on spirit quests, sundance, or go to a sweat lodge [all i only recommend you doing with a trained professional, and your parents permission if you're under 18 as they can be dangerous] these will put your body in a state where people typically see visions and your spirit animal will appear. though, personally, i'd do the meditation some more, it's far safer. might take longer, but you shouldn't rush these things. try meditating outside, easier to connect with nature.
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Re: spirit animal
Post # 3
So perhaps that an animal we like might have a high chance to be our spirit animal?
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Re: spirit animal
By: / Novice
Post # 4
there is a chance, my coven mate has always loved wolves, and he incorporates them into his work. i don't know if it is his spirit animal, he just gains strength from it. if you meditate with said animal in mind, you have a high chance of getting an answer. what the answer will be i don't know, but you'll get something. just don't close off your mind and say 'i love tigers, so they're my spirit animal' there's more to it than that. keep you mind open, but hope it's a tiger.
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Re: spirit animal
Post # 5
I know that my spirit animal is a cat because I am psychically tuned the them
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Re: spirit animal
Post # 6
I have three spirit animals (the Raven, Cat and Owl). each have a different meaning to me. The cat I have been tuned to for a Very long time, the raven has this attatchment to me, and the owl I fell in love with and have been attatched to all three ever since. You find you spirit animal/guide pops up a lot in your life (almost everyday). I'd say meditate on it some and see what animal comes to mind that you have a connection to.
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Re: spirit animal
Post # 7
Try finding out through dreams and mediation first. Then gather the information and ask your Goddess or Guardian Angel to aid you in your journey.
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Re: spirit animal
Post # 8
good idea that would help
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