The world of spells

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The world of spells
Post # 1
I'm really good at poetry,so I was wondering if it was possible to turn a poem into a spell,or to make your own?
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Re: The world of spells
Post # 2
It would be quite possible to do so. With enough focus and energy you can make the words of your poems have greater meaning and make them more powerful for spell crafting/casting. Simply focus on your words bringing you what it is that you wish the spell to achieve. Try to visualize this as clearly as you can and try to put forth the amount of energy that you feel is necessary to give your words and your spell the power to bring you success in casting (or chanting) your spell.

Just keep in mind that magic is the energy within nature and the natural world. Thus, because it's part of nature it's governed by nature's laws. It can't be used to change your gender, it can't be used to change your race, it can't change your species, you can't use it to control the elements or the weather, etc. Keep it logical or plausible rather.
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