What could be my path?

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What could be my path?
Post # 1
I have been on a while and done a little bit of experimentation with magic, but I am still not certain what my path should be. I mean, how do you find that path and how did you guys find yours. Could you explain it too.
P.S. I'm A.D.D. does that effect magic?
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Re: What could be my path?
Post # 2
The ADD itself won't affect your abilities, but you will have to work harder to maintain focus. I don't know if it's exactly the same, but my son with ADHD has to avoid caffeine. It makes him extremely hyper & unable to control his impulses. You may need to look at things that would make it more difficult for you, so you can cut them out of your diet.

In finding your path, I suggest just studying what interests you. You may suddenly realize one day that you've been on it all along.

Good luck!!! (^_^)
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Re: What could be my path?
Post # 3
Try a bit of everything and when you're trying the right thing, you'll know its the right path for you. Thats how I found mine. ADD doesn't affect magick directly but things like meditation and such are difficult but not impossible.
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Re: What could be my path?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
my boyfriends ADHD [i know it's not the same thing] and he will join me when i'm practicing, the only thing i've noticed is he can't sit and meditate, but he's amazing with energy work.

it's alright if you don't have 'one true path' yet. i've studied for almost 10 years and haven't really found one, i jump around still between paths. i started out Wiccan, then Egyptian [something i've studied my whole life] tried Celtic/Irish witchcraft but it wasn't for me, bit of Shinto. read a couple books on Voodoo, and currently study Dragon Magick, which isn't really a religion, so i am a Egyptian Wiccan who studies Dragon Magick, and i still study other paths. if something interests you, study it, you don't have to be one single thing after all.

if you can mediate, i'd do that, outside, somewhere quiet in nature like a park or the woods. if you can't meditate, try making a list of things that interest you see if one sticks out, or research them all [and that's just a google search away lol] once done reading the basics of what interest you, choose the one that stands out the most.

ADD can effect magic because you need to concentrate and focus on one task while casting. meditation can help calm your mind, while taking your medication can do the same thing, try to meditate daily, this can help you in many ways.
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Re: What could be my path?
Post # 5
Thank you guys. as soon as thanksgiving break rolls around, I'll start trying what u guys have suggested
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