Rep isn't everything

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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 7
I agree with these. I've seen some people losing their ranks and complaining it's not fair. First they don't see what they have done or what mistake they make, they just complain others by posting in the forums about it. Getting a rank is not important, the people whom your hearts you have won by giving advices, teaching them, sharing their experiences is important. I also some people having a Ego about the ranks. I'm not pointing out to everyone who has been ranked but some i see. Ranking is not the ultimate goal, there are more things to be done and made.
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Re: Rep isn't everything
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8

I agree with a lot of what is being said here. The ranking system isn't perfect, and we can all acknowledge that. But what matters isn't some shiny bar next to your name, what matters is the maturity, knowledge and content you bring to the table so to speak. If you don't feel the rank accurately represents you, and you cannot simply ignore it and go about your business, there are ways to go about improving it. Write articles, post things in the forum, bring up intelligent conversation in the chatter, and so on. Just because you say you have 20 years of experience doesn't mean you are knowledgeable in any sort of fashion.

However, there are some things said here I disagree with. For instance, "If you want to improve your rep just kiss up to the knowledgeable people and the Adepts." That is as far from the truth as you can get. If you try to "kiss up" to someone with a high rank, they're going to know what you're doing. And I can tell you personally that it isn't appreciated. Often, if someone sucks up to me I end up thinking less of them. Bothering people who are capable of ranking is not going to get you ranked any higher, and may in fact end up getting you ranked lower because rank has to do with maturity as well. " So it is more of a popular contest than how much you know about magick" No it isn't a popularity contest. There are certain things members look for when ranking others. Members who are capable of ranking do not randomly go silly-nilly through members profiles and rank. Often, they rarely rank, and when they do they put great consideration into how they rank others. I'm not afraid to admit I've ranked people I'm very good friends with down, because they were not at the level it said they were. Being popular or friends with someone with a rank is not going to get you a free ticket to a higher ranking either.

Most of the people who are ranked high around here are ranked that way for a reason. They are knowledgable in certain areas (some have more specialized areas than others), have a steady head on their shoulders, prove themselves to generally be mature and capable, and are active in contributing things to the site. But they are all human as well. And to error is human. We all make mistakes. Don't forget the people ranking are just like you.

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Re: Rep isn't everything
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
I am not trying to harm anyone or hurt feelings, just saying how I see the ranking system.

Like a few of you have said we have to add a human factor to the system. Which doesn't make it perfect because nothing is always perfect. Just stating that getting a title on this site is as useless as getting a title in a video game. Yes the title will get you respect from people online, but will mean little to nothing in the real world. I have some friends that do the same as me, study magick, and they stopped going on here since 2008 and never came back. Even if I show them my rank on here they do not care much for it.

Again, people that only care about their rank is trying to make this site their life and home. I do not mind the home part but you do not need to make this site your life. It is okay to have magick in your life but following a site to have others look up to you isn't magick.

The ranking system is ideal for giving the new guys an idea of who knows what, not arguing with that. But we are here to learn and befriend people that are alike us, not worrying about our image. So try to not care for the ranking system if you know what is wrong and is right.
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Re: Rep isn't everything
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
My opinion matches with Personified one .
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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 11

I have to say I agree with the majority of the things stated by Personified. Personally, I use my own experience with an individual to judge what ''rating'' they are rather than a bar on their profile; and those who crave high ranks and suck up just to do so do nothing but make themselves appear immature.

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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 12
Yesterday I was "Novice" and today I am back with no ranking. This kindof confuses me because I am not sure how lowly I was deranked.
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Re: Rep isn't everything
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
I'd rather just not have a ranking, Honestly, I want to hear what people think of me to my 'face'. An actual reputation should be left as the term was defined for, a community view of a person. Not the fancy bar on a site.
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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 14
Why don't we just be frank?
If a person wants a higher reputation why question that? It's their business, their prerogative.

I imagine not everyone in the pursuit of higher reputation complains like a child, although that might be wrongful assumption on my part...

However the case, as long as they're following site rules and doing what they're supposed to who's to say they shouldn't pursue a little trophy on the side? If they put forth the effort for higher reputation then by all means I applaud them. It's adding to your site is it not? It's providing more topics and subjects, no?

Do you really think ALL the active members are active just because? You couldn't possibly. We all have a different drive, and in my opinion as long as that drive is there such motives shouldn't be judged unless further evidence be brought to attention.
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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 15
I agree totally some people say magic is not real but it is real
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Re: Rep isn't everything
Post # 16
Allow me to put this out here and I don't want to offend anyone reading this forum or posting to it before me or after me. There are many posts on this sight everyday that have good practicle working knowledge about the craft and other aspects. People giving valuable insight and knowledge. Shareing what they believe and what they think. Great posts from what I have read and they seem to only get maybe 50 or so views. But here we have a post that asked about the ranking system and then broke out into why I am ranked this and who should be ranked what that and I see 300+ views. It just concerns me that so many people are worried about rank and wether they deserve theirs or not. i just achieved Novice and truthfully I am grateful but it has no bareing or affect on me and what I know/do. So just a thought. Where do our priorites lie? Are we concerned with learning the craft so that we can look good and think we are big and tough and powerful or are we doing what we are doing to build ourselves spiritually and actually giving something valuable to the world around us and maybe helping someone somewhere in the process. Again just a thought on my part.
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