
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Curses

Post # 1
I know many of you are going to think "do not do this", but save me the garbage. Someone that has sworn their life to keep me happy has done the worst to me that i can imagine. I want to help judgement along, since they never seem to get it. Any suggestions on how i could punish them quicker in the ways they should already be? I have practiced more than long enough to know what could happen. Please mail me with the advice. I cant keep up with the posts on my moble
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Re: Curses
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
A Irish practitioner not know how to cast a mallacht? I'm confused!

It solely depends on what you want to come to this person. If it's just a kick in the rear than that's as simple as saying it and meaning it. If you know how to bless than you know how to do the opposite. They work the same way.

But one Irish curse I know that shouldn't do much harm but should get what your desiring is one using a plain smooth stone, black preferably. Sit and hold it and charge it with all you negative emotion (it doesn't even need to be against this person just in general). When your done, put it down, wrap it up, clear your thoughts and walk away. Basically it becomes a place to let go of all the anger, jealousy, resentment, sorrow, etc. Keep doing this everyday for about a week. By the end of the week, if you still feel this person should be cursed, take the stone in your right hand, focus on the individual, begin to stroke the stone ("stirring" and "waking" the energy) and turn the stone to the left or spin it in your hand counterclockwise while murmuring your desires.

Be careful what you wish for, be careful of your wording. Once damage is done, there is no going back. Don't blame the stone for the curse, it is merely a catalyst of your own emotion. You can't break the curse by breaking the stone or cleansing it, so don't even try. You would have to break the curse like any other curse.
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Re: Curses
Post # 3
This Black stone curse does sound very Interesting
and I can see the Logic it in it
I can also see that a lot of brain power and mental energy would
have to be used with some serious Intent
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Re: Curses
Post # 4
look punish him by your hands hit him try not to use magick for such things I tried the 3 nights of hell candle spell on some one I hate (if you want search for it and use it) after that the karma rewarded my my hose got burnt
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Re: Curses
Post # 5
Thank you raven :) I may be irish, but i still only know what I learned with my family. They taught me that if it cant be fixed with words, you just bloody the person up or walk away lol. I was in a world of hurt when i posted this. Now that I have had time to calm down I see it is not worth the backlash. Though that stone spell is very interesting. Perhaps an old fashioned beat and throw out is in order. That spell will still work wonders on flushing out my negativity.
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Re: Curses
Post # 6
If you do a curse then the Gods will get back at tri-fold please let the Gods punish him/her,I know cause I tried to curse a perosn that did something very bad to me but I stopped and asked myself if she was worth that,so please ask yourself the same.
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Re: Curses
Post # 7
I would call upon the Lords of Karma to sort it out, that way you gain no karma i.e. no negative energy comes backfiring at you and the person will get what they deserve in one way or another. If not the lords of karma then perhaps the morrigan.
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Re: Curses
Post # 8
I would try to take control of the situation. Yes, the world has a way of delivering justice, but we were also given intellect for a reason. Casting a curse can only rebound if a person doesn't really deserve it, so think long and hard about it, and try to be even in your retribution. Knocking someone's ice cream from their hands doesn't earn a bullet in turn, as an example.
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Re: Curses
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
Lightseer, I posted this particular curse for a very good reason. After spending 7 days spilling all of your negative emotion, most people would no longer desire to curse the person. If the person still did, then obviously the act against them was serious enough to deserve it, and the stone would have plenty of energy to do it.

I personally don't believe in physical violence, other than in self defense. I don't believe that it is "justice" or "retribution" but purely "revenge". An injury from physical violence can be life altering and no one ends up learning anything. A week of ironic misfortune or lessons can change someone's perspective and could even end in a sincere apology. Of course words are the first and best course of action, but let's face it, many times our words fall on deaf ears and it resolves nothing.

Karma is about cause and effect, but no one ever considers that it is not just a "divine" effect, but the reaction created. That means if someone does something to you, be it positive or negative, your reaction is apart of their Karmic payment. The rest is merely the energy they have created for themselves
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Re: Curses
Post # 10

Thred carfually, Cursing someone or something can have big negitives on you I should know ive used curse for years and know what can happen if your not careful.

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