does spells really works?

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does spells really works?
Post # 1
This is the question which which every beginner asks, that "Does spells really works" I'm also a beginner that's why i'm also asking this question to all that Does spells really works???
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Re: does spells really works?
Post # 2
Most do, it really depends on what you're trying to do. Some basics: you can't become a vampire or mermaid, or anything else. Your pet cannot talk. Humans can't fly with magic, only science. Telekinesis is up for debate, some say it's possible, some say not. Check out the spells section, you'll see there's several types of spells, and mostly the rest work, but not every specific one will for various reasons. Some are just poorly written, some are just unrealistic. And of course you have to believe, be focused, and have a clear intent. Check around the forums too, there's threads asking will such and such spell work. You'll get an idea of what's possible and what's not.
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Re: does spells really works?
Post # 3
that all depends on what spell(s) your trying to do. spells will work only if it is the right spell. its 50/50 with each spell. a spell wont work if you in a bad mood or if its the wrong spell for you. I learned that sometimes the strongest spells are the ones you write yourself

I'm a beginner myself
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Re: does spells really works?
Post # 4
That's also true, spells you write yourself will be the most powerful. But you need to study and learn what makes a good spell first.
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Re: does spells really works?
Post # 5
great tip for begginers: just try a simple rain spell, very easy it worked on my first try
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Re: does spells really works?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
Weather spells are not a very good place to start. Most perceived success is random chance, and actual success is actual difficult to attain.

Start with cleansings, banishings, candles, stuff like that.
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