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Post # 1
I go out with this boy & I'v been going out with him ever since 7th grade I really love him alot everybody is saying stuff and I believe him but at the same time believe my friends and the rumors I just want to know if its true or not so I can get on with my life please help me.
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Re: Love
Post # 2
In a non-magical, more character-building way... you can just choose if you're going to love and trust him no matter what, or if the relationship just isn't worth all the nagging suspicion -- because it doesn't matter if he's done it or not if you just don't trust him anymore. What's been done or not done may not matter so much as what you yourself reveal of your character when you're faced with these choices. And then there's this. (Replace John Doe with his name and XYZ with the rumour, and I don't think you must have all the herbs and oils-- just the ones with properties you want.) Hope this helped.
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Re: Love
Post # 3
Okay, here's an easier one (based off a spell in "Instant Magick" by Christopher Penczak, where you craft an astral sword to burn blue in the presence of truth... but I changed it a bit to include an ancient Sumerian prayer.) You can use a letter-opener or pendant/charm bracelet sword/dagger to focus on or just imagine a sword, and the chant is best said in daylight.

"Oh, Supreme Forces I call thee
Shamash, Light of Truth come hear my plea
Athtartu, one I love may come to lie
Anatu, be my sword that I may know if so and why"

To the letter-opener/visualized sword, say "Oh, Shamash-blessed"
Hand to heart, about yourself, say, "Oh, Shamash-kissed"
And continue: "Let fires blaze if truth is missed.
Three by three, truth let me see
And by your leave, with thanks, so mote it be."

Confront him one last time indoors away from sunlight, with the charm or visualizing that same sword floating between you two and if he's lying your charm or the sword in your mind's eye should develop an aura. If it does not glow, he's innocent.

Even simpler, more like divination: take a pack of ordinary cards, pull out the jack of hearts (this will represent your boyfriend) and shuffle the rest of the pack with the question in mind. If you pull out the 2,3, or 10 of spades, he's been lying.
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