Realm Creation Guide

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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 51
First sorry my phone autocorrects. Second that's a poor example making you look like if you don't know something it's not important just google it, third you said you've been studying and teaching this for a long time... you're profile says you're only 15, I'm sorry but if you haven't been teaching for more than 10 years it's not that long of a time. And lastly you don't know what this is or where it is but you're telling people how to get there, and most people who read this and take it to heart would be newer, that's ridiculously dangerous!
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 52
"I don't know exactly what it is, but that doesn't mean she has to be right"

No one is saying she has to be right, we're saying that you don't even appear to be considering the possibility, even though everything Rav3n says makes sense and she calls upon multiple references.

"third you said you've been studying and teaching this for a long time... you're profile says you're only 15, I'm sorry but if you haven't been teaching for more than 10 years it's not that long of a time."

As a person who has been studying for 14 years, I second this. You know a lot more now than you did before you began to study magick but that's not because you're some expert now, it's because you used to know absolutely nothing on the subject.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 53
I meanet that I've been teaching people for a few years, a few years is a long time for me, just because you've been studying for fourteen years doesn't mean you know everything, and if I @hought she was right, I would say I think she's right, but I think she's wrong, so I'm saying I think she's wrong, I was giving people a guide on how to do something entertainining, I didn't ask for people to say that I'm wrong, my uncle taught me how, his dad taught him, his grandmother taught him, if it works, it works, I really don't care what it is called, I would take the argument more seriously if it was some skill that could actually do something other then fun you, but it isn't, so this argument is really pointless, is not?
My dad is teaching me to drive, but he doesn't know how engine works. So why is me teaching people how to do it so dangerous I'm not american (annoying) so I don't care to find out how everything works exactly, people can call it whatever they like, you can keep trying to make me feel wrong, whatever, people have been trying to make me feel like I'm wrong since I got here, don't care, whoever wants to use it can use it, if you want to call someone wrong then you can shut up or talk to someone else, because it takes long time for me to type out long comment on my phone and gets boring, and it's a stupid conversation, if you want me to say she's right, then whatever, RAV3N is right, now will you all stop making me type out long messages? thumbs is sore.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 54
So just because you're not American danger doesn't matter to you? I'm not American either but I know not to send somewhere that I really don't know what it is. And a car is different if your engine breaks down then you call someone... Who do you call when you mind or spirit is being broken down because you did something wrong wherever you are? Do you know what can happen? Should they call you? And obviously using you as an example Americans are not the only people who can be annoying.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 55
I didn't say I know everything. In fact, on my profile I make it extremely clear that I don't.

"I would say I think she's right, but I think she's wrong, so I'm saying I think she's wrong, I was giving people a guide on how to do something entertainining, I didn't ask for people to say that I'm wrong"

No one asks for people to tell them that they're wrong - most people who need to be told have no idea that they are wrong. Besides, you can't assert that you're going to call Rav3n wrong but then complain when others do the same to you.

"My dad is teaching me to drive, but he doesn't know how engine works. So why is me teaching people how to do it so dangerous"

There is a vital difference; you do not interact with the engine directly. You use the engine and wheels via a specifically designed user interface in the cabin of the car. Because of this it is very hard to somehow use the engine incorrectly.... Though it's worth pointing out that those few ways you can use it incorrectly can irreparably damage the engine and are usually only ever done by people who don't understand how their car works.

But back to the original point here, there is no magical user interface. We don't have specially designed buttons and levers and wheels that interact with magick in a very specific, limited, and predictable way. Because you cannot rely on things being limited to those safe an predictable patterns for you, you must understand well enough what you can and cannot do, should and should not do, and the logic used to discern these is based upon an understanding of the fundamentals of the situation.

"I'm not american (annoying) so I don't care to find out how everything works exactly"

Curiosity and a concern for danger are not American traits. Curiosity is a trait of the intelligent, and a concern with danger is a trait of people with any interest in living.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 56
the car was a bad example, and I mean I noticed that americans like to know everything about everything, english, french, german and probably more are like that too, didn't say that right, and I'm not being defensive because you're saying I'm wrong, I'm being defensive because you're telling me I'm wrong for saying I think she's wrong, then you tell me I don't know anything.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 57
"then you tell me I don't know anything."

By all means, please point out where I did this.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
By: / Novice
Post # 58
To visit multiple realms quickly, build a small realm that is just a platform, with doors that will take you to each of your realms, just by passing through them.. If you make it right, it will work exactly the same as entering the realm normally, but when you exit, you are back on the platform, free to visit another realm quickly..
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 59
Nobody said you don't know anything, it was said you don't know everything.
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Re: Realm Creation Guide
Post # 60
ok, sorry all, she might be right, I'll research this now, or when I get on computer, sorry again.
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