"Email spells"

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Re: "Email spells"
Post # 3
I totally agree, why not talk to them before trying any spells. If you keep thinking of spells that you could use whenever you will soom.become lazy. Spells should be the last thing you could do.

Re: "Email spells"
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
What if the other person doesn't answer the phone at all when ever you call? Then what?

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 5
As both Scrupulous and Magicisfun2 points out; magick should be a last resort. Alas, I don't believe I've ever come across such spell and - to be honest - a spell to actually make a person text you on facebook or so would be rather complicated, in relation to your goal. I'd recommend a spell that would make the specific person think about you and then .. see what happens.

Re: "Email spells"
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
Also there is what many label as "calling" the person to you. Which I have seen effectively used though I find it hard to explain. If your looking for a spell the best thing to do is get together with pen and paper and write the sucker out yourself. Tailor made to fit your need.

Re: "Email spells"
By: / Novice
Post # 7
spells don't work unless you're productive. i think i may have something somewhere, but you'll probably have to send a 'hi, how are you?' message to them first. for any spell really you can't sit around waiting for it to come true.

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 8
Rather then make a phone call or send a msg thru FB or text, you 'want' to do a complete 'spell' so someone can just email you ???

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 9
Well, I do NOT want to be "the first" to write to this person..it is a "love" of my past..but,I still like him(I just don't really "know" him anymore..I want to "learn" more about this person..it has been many years... I have found SOME things about him via online searches and finally contacting him..but, I am married..and I promised my hubby that I would not write to him..so, I stopped writing to my ex-.I just thought, if I could get my ex- to share details about himself or his life, or to write to me "out of the blue"..then I would NOT be "accused" of "writing to him", and/or "writing to him FIRST!" ..Do you see what I am saying here? I just want to know MORE about him..I want to know "who he became and why my hubby does NOT "trust him" at all,(besides some other stuff that happened in my ex's and my past When we used to see one another!) I really want to learn..but, cautiously..that's all!

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 10
I see,wow talk about playing with fire. Hmmm delicate dilemma here. This can go really well or REALLY bad ( life changing bad ) which do you want ?

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 11
I just want to know MORE about this person..than I already know.. he is a bit secretive at times! I am not really supposed to be writing to him..because I promised my hubby I wouldn't..hubby does NOT trust him at all! But, maybe that is just hubby! I kind of feel that he might be correct..but, I don't want to get into the whole politics of this dead past relationship..but, I DID want to learn more about what he is up to in general..other than what he had told me in the fairly recent past..(we were communicating..but, then I stopped...out of respect for the hubby!) I don't really want to go back on my word..but, there is a huuuge part of me that just simply wants to know more! That's really it!! I still have this stupid lame crush on my ex...(and this has been going on ever since I dumped him many many many years ago!!!) But, it is not the same as being in LOVE with my hubby though! I know it's strange...and I can't explain what or how I feel but, I just feel it!! I sort of wish that I could be just "friends" with the ex...and then I could still get a long with him..and see what he is "Really" like these days!!..

Well, I just wanted to know if there is some type of "Contact" spell..other than a phone call...and by the way..there HAS to be more modern spells out there in the world, there just has to be!!!

ladykelshan/ or ladyk

Re: "Email spells"
Post # 12
Geez! I just wanted a simple spell (one that I could do at home...but, I did find a couple of spells that I could use..instead..having to do with wishing spells instead!) I have not yet tried them out..but, I am planning to give it a go next week! One of them is a well known's witch's spell..from a book that I own..I think that it could work...(I and I hope that it does!!) It involves me using paper and herbs/spices and fire! But, I think on the safeside..I will ask my deities to be there WITH me..so, that I am not alone while performing this spell! I just need to know some things!!! That's all!! Thanks for your help..but, I think that I am going to see if this particular spell might do it in the end..and I hope that it does!!!

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